
Well Known Member
Pulling fairings and such to get ready for the mechanic to do my condition inspection, I found that the forward edges of the rudder fairing -- where it wraps around the leading edges of the HS -- are secured with small patches of velcro. I can't imagine it does anything worthwhile, but I'm asking here to be sure.

The patches were stuck to each other more firmly than to the fuselage, so half of them peeled off. Am I correct in assuming the screws called out in the plans are adequate, and the velcro adds nothing? I can see some possible value in paint protection, but nothing else.

That's actually the empennage fairing, but you're correct that the screws (properly installed) should be adequate to hold the fairing in place. Perhaps there was a buzzing or resonance set up back there that the previous owner was trying to dampen? If that's the case, there are better and more preferred ways to address it. But I can't imagine counting on Velcro to hold any exterior component in flight.