Well, sort of a builder's site.... Chapter 5 has a very decent description and instructions on how to go about it. It's available in the revisions section.

The problem I am having is the bottom of the rudder fairing is hitting the tail spring at the most forward area of the fairing. I have trimmed 3/8" off the top edge of the fairing and it still hits. I can't really trim much more off as I am getting into the area where the tail light mounts. Are all rudder fairings the same for the tail draggers and nose wheel models? Seems I am missing something obvious.

This is not that uncommon.
Trim more off of the top of the front of the fairing and see if it will fit.
You just have to make it work. Some builders cut a slot/wedge out of the leading part of the fairing and bend the bottom up and glass it in for clearance.
FYI: A lot of folks like to install this bottom fairing with screws so it can be removed; however, in the case of the TW RVs, the spring is in the way and it won't come off unless you remove the rudder from the plane.
Good luck.
I see that now. I got it to fit by trimming more off the front end. For some reason I was thinking I had to take the same amount off the entire length instead of cutting at an angle. I have good clearance now. My plan was to use the screws and I didn't think about getting it off due to the spring. Mine may be short enough now to come off. I will see.

Thanks for the info.