
Well Known Member
A while ago visiting a small airfield a young CFI pointed at my slack rudder cables. There is something wrong with your rudder cables Sir looks like they are disconnected, he said. I briefly explained him the theory but he still seemed concerned. Later I saw tight cables on other planes and figured out there were springs connecting pedals to a firewall structure. What kind of springs are those and how and where to connect them? I have brakes only on left side so there are brackets with holes unused on passenger side. Would two springs be enough or I need more? What length are the springs and where to get them from?
Spring Tension

Excellent question. I have just bought my 1st RV and it?s a 4. And I?m wondering the same thing.

Why do the cables and springs seem looser than most other TD?

How many hours do you have on your RV w/o the springs?

Have you had any problems without them?

How many RV's are flying without springs and don't have any issues?

I think you can tell where this is going.

If the missing springs were an issue, I'm sure Van's would come out with a SB.

For me, I like not having them because it allows me to pull the rudder pedals / bars up out of the way while cruising and stretch out my legs.

How many hours do you have on your RV w/o the springs?

Have you had any problems without them?

How many RV's are flying without springs and don't have any issues?

I think you can tell where this is going.

If the missing springs were an issue, I'm sure Van's would come out with a SB.

For me, I like not having them because it allows me to pull the rudder pedals / bars up out of the way while cruising and stretch out my legs.

There was a plans change, not a SB IIRC, that added a tab to the flap drive interior access panel to stop the no-spring, drooping cables getting tangled with the flap linkage.

I presume that someone did have a problem in the past...

How many hours do you have on your RV w/o the springs?

Have you had any problems without them?

How many RV's are flying without springs and don't have any issues?

I think you can tell where this is going.

If the missing springs were an issue, I'm sure Van's would come out with a SB.

For me, I like not having them because it allows me to pull the rudder pedals / bars up out of the way while cruising and stretch out my legs.

You are right Bill no problem at all. Over thinking. I might leave it as it is.
the reason for springs

You are right Bill no problem at all. Over thinking. I might leave it as it is.

Good move. Rudder springs are customarily used with floor-mounted pedals to keep them from flopping rearward onto the floor. RV's top-mounted pedals don't have this problem so no spring is needed. The springs in some aircraft are primarily to keep the pedals in correct position, not to keep the rudder cables taut.
Rudder return springs

I put them on my 10. I don't get that rudder flop from light to moderat breezes on the ground. I am sure it has saved my rudder stops from failure on several occasions.

Gary Specketer
I put light return springs on my -6A. Now I'm not even sure why. I won't do it on the -10. Of course, if I ever get around to putting the yaw servo in (still up in the air about that), it will look taut from the outside of the plane but will still be slack from the servo lanyards forward.
Rudder Cables Loose!!!!!!

....I decided to install springs just to stop the rudder flopping side to side in light wind on the ground. While I was in the process of installing them one of my flying buddies walked in the hanger and said "Why you-all a doin that?" He then tells me that when he is on long flights he lifts the peddles up backwards and puts his feet under them to be comfortable and increase leg room. So I stopped and went out to try this for myself, sure enough this works and is very comfortable I might add. Now I hate to give up this new found leg room and can't have both. Ho-hum what to do? I guess when in doubt, do nothing. Allan.....:confused:
If were rudder cable springs were important, Van would have put them in. :)


If quality parts were important, "Van would have put them in"
If asthetics were important, "Van would have put them in"

I think it's really

Unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary, "Van WONT put it in".

Just surprised we have 2 doors in the RV10. Can't everyone really get in via one door like many Pipers??
Explain to him that the slack is taken up by two foot pounds of pressure and springs are not required.:p

It may be of no corresponding help, but my RV-8 has the springs. Next time you are down, we can take a closer look. Personally, I like them. But that's just my me.

It may be of no corresponding help, but my RV-8 has the springs. Next time you are down, we can take a closer look. Personally, I like them. But that's just my me.

I'll get to you soon Glen. Also I want to see Don's new plane and see what ideas I can steal from him :)
I'll get to you soon Glen. Also I want to see Don's new plane and see what ideas I can steal from him :)

Perhaps two birds can be slain and cooked at one time. 53VG is open for visitors.

I too would like to see the newest RV-9A in Virginia :)