
Well Known Member
Hi Folks,

This is for RV-8 Quickbuilt Fuselage. I am finding that the rudder cables brush against the lower longerons in fuselate, if I route the rudder cables as shown in plans (and according to the pre-drilled holes).

Here are a couple of pictures that show the problem:


Any suggestions on how to deal with it? Did anyone else face this problem?

Thanks in advance,
I just went out and looked at mine and it is the same way. I did notice that when tension is on the rudder cables, as when your feet are on the pedals, the cables do not touch the longerons. Looking closely, it appears the cables have rubbed the primer off the edges of the longerons when hanging slack. I'll probably add some UHMW tape over the edges unless someone suggests something better.
What I did was simple

Just split a length of clear plastic tubing and with yellow glue attach it to the sharp edge of the longeron. If they ever rub (probably not) both will be protected. Good luck.

Yep! Think I cut a 3-4" lenght of 1/4" I.D. plastic waterline. Sliced it down the side, "carefully" and pushed it onto the longeron. Secured it with a dab of clear RTV at each end. Done!
I am not seeing this on my RV-8 but its probably are result of the builder installed "return springs" so the cables are always under a small amount of tension.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Just wondering if anyone has a photograph of how they secured the tubing to the longerons?

conduit for entire rudder cable?

Is there a reason to not put the rudder cables in a piece of conduit or tube the whole way? I have not heard of any problems with the cable catching on anything, but it looks like a place for trouble - especially through the cabin area. As for the weight of tube or conduit, the is not a concern for me. Having the cable snag or bound by someone or something in the seat is a concern. Maybe just through the cabin area?

Here is how I solved it: Adel clamps and plastic tubing from home-depot.
