
Well Known Member
All the controls are hooked up-- right tudder application causes a dragging noise. It's apparently coming fron the plastic sleeve rubbing against the plastic snap bushing toward the rear of the fuselage. anyone else noticed this? I assume it's something that won't be noticed with the engine running, but I'd expect a DAR to want to see what's causing that. Your thoughts, Mel??
Reply from Van's says they've never heard about a flaperon binding, Guess no one else reported it?? I was thinking about a spacer behind the bushing bracket but it doesn't appear that I can get to it to replace the squeezed rivets. Anyone done anything about this or are we living with that, too. Gotta mess up the flaperon paint!

Wayne 120241
Hey Wayne

Have someone set in the plane and move the rudder. You should be able to listen closely to where it is coming from ? ? ? ? ? Sounds like a cable is rubbing on something. Are you sure they are in the right place ?

If you have anything rubbing or binding in the control system, you need determine what it is.

All RVs use bushings for the rudder cables and a certain amount of noise is expected, but you need to know what and where it is to determine if it is normal.
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Rudder cable rubbing

My rudder cables make noise too. It is the nature of the design. Since the cables do not travel in a straight line from the rudder pedals to the rudder control horn, they have to rub every time they change direction. In order to eliminate the rubbing noise, the plastic bushings would have to be replaced by pulleys. But then we would not be following the plans. The designers must have determined that bushing are good enough and that the change in direction is not great enough to warrant using pulleys.