
Well Known Member
When I built my -9 I installed rudder cable fairings where the cables exited the aft fuselage - made for a very clean look. I am just starting my b-14 tail kit and wondered whether 14 builders were installing them. In looking at the plans, clearly the cable exist on the -14 is a bit different then other models.
Comments? Thanks!
You can use the same style fairing, I am doing it on mine and chose to either rivet it or clue it in place. Not much different than other model (at least RV7 that I am familiar with.
I put them on mine as well. I can't remember if they were glued or riveted but either will work.
I have thought about putting them on my plane as well. I like the idea, but I have a question is there enough room to replace the cable? Even without the fairing, is there enough space to remove the cable?
With the fairing on, the snug fitting examples and mine as well don't allow for changing the cable without removing the fairing. Mine is glued on with pro seal.

Without the fairing, change the cable as often as you like, however, with properly fitted tubing guides and maybe an occasional spray of lubricant to inhibit corrosion on the short exposed length, changing the cable, for me, is a lo-o-o-ng ways down the road. After 13 years flying my -7A, I'm not even considering replacement.
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I have the fairings on hand but not installed yet - used the same ones on my RV10. I did have to swap the cable after install (plastic sleve on wrong end) and with the cable guides on the RV14, I did have to remove the cable guides so I don’t think that you could replace the cable without removing the guides.