
Active Member
I know there are some threads on this but I can't find what i'm looking for. Two questions:

1) what size plastic cable cover is used for the Rudder cable. I hear this makes the rudder motion very smooth.

2) has anybody had and functional issues using the West Marine covers on their rudder cables?

Well I got the 1/8" ID material and I'll take it back as far as the F606 rib, it looks like a straight shot from there so there shouldn't be much friction.

I installed them and after a year I pulled them out because they worked their way aft of the baggage compartment. Maybe some type of cable clamp would have prevented that but I didn't want a clamp on there for the chance it might hang up on something.
Humm interesting! they seemed pretty tight so I didn't think of that. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds (IE not a lot of thought yet) What about adding silicon rubber glue to one end of them?

Thanks again
Slightly off your question, but something else that you can do that really smooths the travel and is endorsed by Van's is to add a second smaller bushing to the large ones called out in the plans. The two in combination really work well.
Ok.. If I can't figure this out, the I can go with the second bushing, pretty easy to change over.

Does anybody know if there is a really small hose clamp type of arangement that I can put on one end of the plastic cover? The OD is ~1/4"
I have the West Marine cable cover only at the
front fork and about 14" long.This was to
make a smooth transition where the fork
goes slightly through the first vertical grommet.
Without any clamp the left one never moved.
The right one would move back a little and I
kept rotating it and sliding it forward. After
about 30-40 hours it has stayed put.
I was going to bond it some way to the front
rudder cable fork. It doesn't seem to be needed now.
I used the Wes Marine covers, from the rudder pedals back to just behind the 604 bulkhead (under the flap covers.) Cut them to length so that the ends won't hit either bulkhead at the extremes of travel. Use a small hose clamp on both ends to hold down. Mine haven't moved a mm in 500 hours.
Thanks All..

I think I'll keep them for now :) I really like how they feel compaired to the raw cable. I'll look into a very small cable clamp or boding them.

Thanks again.
