
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Dad dropped the rudder for our RV8 during the stab sb surgery and put a big kink in it. Doh! So I ordered a new skin and reskinned it. Folded rudder, pre-punched, fun and easy project. However I noticed last night when I was finished there is a slight bow in the trailing edge. Not sure how that happens with a pre-punched kit, and not sure if the old rudder had a bow (can't check now), but it's there.

Some old thread searching showed up about .100" as the limit, and mine is probably close to that. I called Van's tech support and they said it's probably ok, but that I could try and massage it back by blocking both ends of the rudder and pushing down in the middle. There was a strong caution with that though about kinking it.

I should just leave it alone, but I figured I'd ask anyway. Has anybody worked out a bow in the trailing edge? Anybody screwed up trying and wished they hadn't?
