
I'm New Here
I have 100% balanced the elevators on my 8 without any problems. However, in order to balance the rudder I would need to add at least 1 more weight the size of the one that came with the kit to make it balance 100%. Is the weight that came with the kit all that is required or should I add additional weight? Has anyone else encountered this situation? I had planned to contact Vans Monday but I could finish the rudder this weekend if someone has a solution.

I think your experience is typical

I think the answer is that the rudder is not fully mass balanced. You just install the weight they give you, and that's it.
The ailerons are not fully balanced either.
balanced rudder?

I might be wrong, but I don't recall instructions to balance the rudder on my 7A, you can't go too wrong by following the instructions of your kit, what do they say? Failing that, give them a call on Monday and post the response here to tidy up the thread. Meanwhile, I'll go through my build log and see if I missed something...:eek:
Same Thing

I had that exact same question today as I hung my rudder after balancing the elevators. With the tail wheel on the floor it looked like it needed a bunch more weight to balance. Just for a ballpark idea, I clamped on four large plastic spring clamps.

I'd like to know what you find out if you would be so kind.