
Active Member
In the PAP page G2-1 it says to make sure the rudder and stabilator cables are safetied... do they mean we need to attach safety wire too? Or just make sure the castellated nuts have their cotter pins installed.

In the PAP page G2-1 it says to make sure the rudder and stabilator cables are safetied... do they mean we need to attach safety wire too? Or just make sure the castellated nuts have their cotter pins installed.

I suspect that they are talking about the turnbuckles. They must be safetied too.

I have the clips installed at the turnbuckles for the stabilator cables. I was ref. to the empennage area... the first steps in the flight controls section of the PAP says to make sure the "rudder and stabilator cables are attached and safetied". Do we need to add extra safety wire beyond the castellated nuts and cotter pins being used now.

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Hey Ron

I think they just mean the cotter pins are in place, etc. ( Is everything as instructed to be done ). Don't read anything more into it I'd say.

John Bender