
Active Member
A quick search on Google reveals many different types - Just wondering what you guys use in the States and if any UK builders can suggest an alternative you can source here?
Ordered some RTV stuff online that will hopefully arrive tomorrow or over the weekend currently awaiting my inspector to come over and say everything is OK then I can finally seal up all the half skinned parts in my Empennage Kit and get that bit of the build signed off.

Next two kits cleared UK customs yesterday and arrive in the UK over the weekend and then head up north to me next week. All I need now if to find somewhere to store an 8ft tall cone?
A word of caution: Some RTV products contain acetic acid which is corrosive.
I suspect that LAS supply the more benign varieties.
Dow Corning is the main manufacturer. You may want to check their literature.
Did a fair amount of reading on this stuff and it comes in many different types and is used in construction / decoration to fill gaps / finish door frames etc - Clearly a different blend to the aviation stuff