I bought something from them a few weeks ago. Not the fastest shipment, but I got it. Ordered it via the web site. Had no communication before the sale or after though. Hope this helps.

I thought they were dead

Good to hear that is not the case!

Well over 10 years ago I bought a pair of head sets and the portable intercom from Jim. They work great and the intercom was one of the best portable units I have ever used. Even the instructors I have flown with liked it better than their fancy units.

I hope to upgrade my headsets to stereo ANR's before my first flight and continue to use them.

The last time I spoke to Jim he had just been sued by some guy who claimed his head sets caused some hearing loss. To say he was a bitter would have been an understatement. That forced him to lay off some engineers (One of whom I later met and confirmed the story.) and scale back his business.

It is good to hear that he is still in business. I would definitely buy another kit from him!