
Well Known Member
Is there an industry standard for these connections as far as what color goes to what pin, IN and OUT. The wires in the shielded bundle have stripes so if there is a standard I want to follow it.


There isn't a standard.

Remember the TX on one side goes to the RX on the other side. So you can't have a color represent a direction. The direction is only relative to the unit on one side of the interface.
Is there an industry standard for these connections as far as what color goes to what pin, IN and OUT. The wires in the shielded bundle have stripes so if there is a standard I want to follow it.



Ahh good point! I guess I did not think that trough far enough.
On my Garmin installation, I made a spreadsheet of all the rs232 connections, all the settings for each unit, plus model and serial number for avionics, engine, prop, alternator etc. This is all the airplane-specific info in case I have a problem on the road; and also locally.
Mike, the only standard that I have observed is that the white with blue stripe is usually ground or LO, whereas the solid white is signal or HI. I've noticed that both Stein and Aerotronics seem to follow this protocol. There are others, like red for power and black for ground which are pretty obvious.