
Well Known Member
I've been researching and planning the routing of Pitot/AoA lines and many builders of -7/8's have run the lines through the main ribs close to the spar web. There's quite a difference in the aileron bellcrank and the -7/8 lack the reinforcing angles of the -4. My main question is whether running the lines aft of main spar creates some challenges in routing into the fuselage that doesn't exist with the 7/8 aircraft builders. I have a pre-view plan set for an -8 and the center section certainly doesn't have extra holes for running lines that I can see. I assume in either case you'd have to run lines above the main spar in the fuselage sidewall to get to the instrument panel.

I have already installed the SafeAir1 pitot mast just outboard of the stock location and plan to use the Dynon unheated Pitot/AoA. After careful consideration taking into account Van's recommended wire routing (here: I think the following layout works best. The Pitot/AoA lines would be routed at the top of the rib through snap bushing and the wiring would be routed at the bottom in the Van's corrugated conduit via a 3/4" hole. Looking for community feedback before making this permanent.

[/url]Pitot/AoA & Conduit routing by James Soutar, on Flickr[/IMG]

[/url]Pitot/AoA & Conduit routing by James Soutar, on Flickr[/IMG]
What I did

I ran mine on the FWD side of the spar out past the fuel tank, then made a bend AFT through the lightening hole in the spar and over to the pitot fitting. I did not want to over the spar inside the fuselage. Because the -4 does not have the vertical flanges attaching the tank, this is possible. On other models it is not as easy.
I ran mine on the FWD side of the spar out past the fuel tank, then made a bend AFT through the lightening hole in the spar and over to the pitot fitting. I did not want to over the spar inside the fuselage. Because the -4 does not have the vertical flanges attaching the tank, this is possible. On other models it is not as easy.

This is the way most people run the lines on RV-3, -4, and -6s.
Thanks gents, I was just considering a newer method since I was planning on two plastic lines instead of the old single aluminum tubing. But I suppose it's still a simple and effective way to plumb the wing. I plan on using nylon tubing supplied in the SafeAir1 kit. Does anyone have some advice on how to best secure the line to the tank support or do most guys just leave it unsecured? I would feel better knowing the line is not able to move and possibly chafe. Same issue with the line running through the nose ribs and through the spar lightening hole. How best to secure it?

Hi Everyone

Sorry to bring up an old thread but I am at the same stage with wings and was wondering if there was ever an answer to Northerns last post on how to secure the line to the spar where it runs under the tank? Maybe a home made P clamp pull riveted to the spar?

Thank you