Well Known Member
I am considering purchasing an RV-6A for a 420 NM trip, each way, about 3x per month. I?d fly it day VFR only.

Can I get some feedback/opinions as to the suitability of the airplane for this type of trip? I?m 5?10?, 180 LBS, AND 32? inseam. How about comfort for the roughly 3 hours aloft that this trip would take? How much storage space for a suitcase will I find in an RV-6A?

Any RV-6A owners in SoCal that might be willing to talk to me, or take me up for a ride in theirs? Also I?d be up for any leads on aircraft that you may know of that would fit what I?m looking for.

Many thanks!
Autopilot = yes? Easy trip in a 6A.

You and I are roughly the same weight (me 168lbs). Exact same height (5'10"). I fly an RV-6 1.5 hrs down to Houston from DFW to see my sister every so often. Painless down and back.

Taking out the passenger seat back will give you all the baggage room you would ever want.

The toughest part IMHO will be finding VFR on all your trips out near San Diego.

Welcome aboard the Good Ship VAF as Mike S. says, and good luck with your search. If you're every in DFW look me up - we'll go fly the -6.

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Should be a breeze. I have been doing 750mile trips from AZ to Wa since May/June. not necessarily 3 times a week but the RV 7A is perfect for it. Recommend an autopilot! Beats driving!
I commuted from Greenville, SC to Pearland, TX 720 Nautical miles each way every other week. The RV works great for such trips!

I miss that Texas gang, great bunch of people!
I'm 70 pounds heavier and an inch taller. Wife and I swap out legs. We just flew a 10,700 NM trip in our 7 earlier this summer (perimeter of lower 48 states).

For all intents, the 7 cockpit is the same size as the 6 (It has lower seat pans but we need 4 1/2" rigid foam under the existing seat cushions in order to see over the nose, so in our case the extra seat pan depth is of no value).

Some builders with hanging peddles moved them closer to the pilot, a few moved them further away. In any event that can be changed if needed.

Autopilots are so cheap now days (used) that they are a must have item on long XC's. Also on my list is a CS prop and gear leg dampeners...
I just flew from Garden City KS to N California via Gallup NM and Lancaster CA in one day in a RV-7. Different model but almost the same size. While I was tired at the end of the day I wasn?t ever uncomfortable. Good seat cushions are the key.

Good luck with your search, you will love your RV.
We fly our 6A from S17 to KBHM routinely and it is easy. I am 5'10" 180lbs.
We can pack enough clothes for a week and still have room for the dog carrier.
Thank you for the great replies.
Is it safe to say that I should see 150+ KTAS on ~9 GPH?
rv6 fit

there is a rv6a at ksdm that has a few folks watching over its care.. if you go down to eaa ch14 and ask around ? you might get a opportunity to sit in it and see how things fit. pm me and I may be able to arrange something. just trying to be on the square and level... billythekid
Thank you for the great replies.
Is it safe to say that I should see 150+ KTAS on ~9 GPH?

You didn't say which engine / prop you have.

My O-360 gives me 150 to 155 KTAS at around 7.2 GPH pulled way back. I have posted a picture of my EFIS while at 15.5 (17.6 DA) where I trued out at 159 KTAS while burning 5.2 GPH at 40 some % power.

You will do much better than 9 GPH.

BTW, full throttle and leaned for best power (100* RoP), my -9 will true out at 175 knots but it DRINKS fuel at that speed.

Believe the numbers on Van's website.
If I can fly my -4 a 600nm trip...one way... a couple of times a month, you?ll easily be able to do your trip in a 6A. I?m building a -7 and looking forward to the extra space and comfort that the side-by-side offers.

You didn't say which engine / prop you have.

Believe the numbers on Van's website.

That’s because I don’t have one yet. :)
Looking at a -6A with a O-360-A1A
Knowing the Van’s numbers are accurate is very helpful.
What's Plan B? C?

"... 420 NM trip, each way, about 3x per month. I?d fly it day VFR only...

You have good input on whether the airframe would haul your stuff.

My unsolicited advice is to have, and without regret execute, backup plans when conditions approach your personal minimums.

When a friend told me:
"Better to be down here, wishing you were up there, than up there, wishing you were down there" I nodded and agreed, but it didn't sink in.

Then there was day I flew "just to take a look" and came close to creating another aluminum mine in the San Diego mountains. Never again!
The only hole in your plan is the VFR part. The plane will do it easily. I will do a 3 hour legs by myself in good weather but 2 is perfect if you have a passenger. In my experience, both in cars and planes, if your legs are straight out in front of you, you have much less endurance than if your knees bend, like in a chair or in a couch. The 6 puts your legs out in front.

If you are trying to stay vfr the whole time, you will probably be playing on the avionics and ForeFlight checking weather most of the time.
I suppose I should share .. I say VFR, but it is by choice. I’m a 7000 hour ATP rated professional pilot. Certainly could fly IFR if the need was there, but it isn’t my preference in a piston single.
I have the same body specs you do. I have done many such trips in my -6a. I have found the removal of the center tower (allowing me to move my legs side to side on a long trip) the most beneficial comfort modification to date, not sure if your potential plane has said tower or not. Before and after pics HERE.
I have the same body specs you do. I have done many such trips in my -6a. I have found the removal of the center tower (allowing me to move my legs side to side on a long trip) the most beneficial comfort modification to date, not sure if your potential plane has said tower or not. Before and after pics HERE.

Thank you. The aircraft that I am looking at doesn?t have a center tower.
I suppose I should share .. I say VFR, but it is by choice. I?m a 7000 hour ATP rated professional pilot. Certainly could fly IFR if the need was there, but it isn?t my preference in a piston single.

This is an easy trip- partner does it all the time VFR to Oceanside. Though we are working on making the RV6A more capable to get in and out of the coast on one of those June gloom days where it just hangs around...
More data: Our flight plan- around 9.5 or 10.5k 7.5 GPH at 155 kts.
The longest I have flown my carbed 160hp fixed pitch 6A for is 5 hours, bladder endurance is the most significant issue. Plenty of 3 hour trips. At full throttle I can see 170KTAS at 8000ft +, and around 9gph. At 150 KTAS I'm at around 7 to 7.5gph. I can run lean of peak if I try hard. I would suggest fuel injection and at least one electronic ignition will help on long trips to reduce fuel burn.

For the cockpit I would look at a Classic Aero interior & seats and a Kroger sun shade. For the panel 2 x G5s + TC provide a reasonably priced upgrade to a steam panel and allow the installation of a Garmin (GMC507) autopilot. A good engine monitor will also be helpful.

If your primary use is going to be a 420 mile trip three times a month you might look at the RV9 or 9A. It designed for cross country flying. Since it has a different wing than 6 or 7 it actually cruises a little faster on less fuel using the IO320. Of course my true preference is the 14 because of the roomier cockpit.

Just a thought.