Planing on flying my RV7A down to Melbourne FL. from the Adirondack region of New York. Those of you that have made trip before any suggestions of route taken would be appreciated. Planing on leaving Fri Nov !3.
Thanks in advance.
Ed Hamilton
Hi Ed

I have only made the trip as far as Newport News but here is what I can tell you. Avoid Washington DC if you can or go online to get educated about the rules there and get tested and certified to fly in that SFRA. I flew down through NYC and the Hudson which was awesome. I was trying to avoid the controlled airspaces around the major airports and the MOAs. When you look at the map of the NE USA for the first time it looks like there is almost no uncontrolled airspace but there is enough.I did have flight following most of the time and so the controlled areas were not a problem but I like the freedom of not having to talk to somebody if I don't want to. Hope you have a good flight. I know that a lot of guys from Canada that go to sun N fun take a more westerly leg but I can't really comment on that.

Your friend,
The Hudson River area apparently has new flight requirements. That is down low of course

When I went in that area two weeks ago, I flew over New York Class B while using flight following.

I also noticed what seemed like mountain wave conditions over some mountains in New Hampshire I believe so if you are not familiar with that, take the mountain flying course on the AOPA website.
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Just got back from Florida

in my RV9A. Second trip this year, departing from the Cape Cod area.
I prefer to take V139 which takes me out over the ocean, and this way I avoid New York and the dreaded River Run.
Leaving from Upper State New York you have a choice of taking the River Run (I've done it about 100 times and survived), or fly west and follow the outer line of Class B airspace until you reach the east coast. My first stop is at KPVG, Hampton Roads VA which has food and good fuel prices if you pump it yourself. Next stop is KJYL Sylvania GA, which only has self service fuel.
After that, you can go anywhere in Florida with no fuel stops in an RV.
The main thing is to get flight following, which I've never had a problem getting from departure to destination. Despite what you are told, you are flying in a busy area with rather narrow corridors at least until south of Norfolk, and it pays to be talking with controllers. This way, you cannot get into trouble with MOA's, or restricted airspace. Just follow your chart (easy with my 696), and if a controller says you might have a problem area ahead, you can see what he's (or her) is talking about and you can make the necessary deviation.
Have a good flight
153 hours
From PA......

From Pennsylvania, I head to Hagerstown, MD (KHGR). This keeps me west of P40 even if it is expanded. From KHGR I head to Columbus County, NC (Whiteville - KCPC). CPC works out to be a nice fuel stop for me. They have a courtesy car, cheap fuel and are very polite. After leaving CPC I head to Malcolm Mc Kinnon (KSSI). I have not flown into Melbourne, but if I was going there, I would pick up flight following and see if the restricted areas on the east side of Orlando are hot. If they are not hot, you have a straight shot from KSSI to KMLB. Have a great trip!

Planing on flying my RV7A down to Melbourne FL. from the Adirondack region of New York. Those of you that have made trip before any suggestions of route taken would be appreciated. Planing on leaving Fri Nov !3.
Thanks in advance.
Ed Hamilton
If your plan is VFR direct, fly West of the DC area and avoid the SFRA. MRB is a good waypoint to keep you away from the DC Bravo. Of course if you plan on being within 60nm of the SFRA, you must take the online course. Check out the Baltimore Washington TAC or Washington DC sectional on Skyvector for the SFRA boundries. At the North border of FL, turn left to run down the FL coastline. This will keep you from flying over the ocean and East of the Orlando Bravo. Just watch the TFR's down in FL.

If flying IFR, be prepared for lots of airway routing North of DC.

Flying the East side of DC is also nice but is a little out of the way for a direct flight.

Flying out of the Adirondacks you should already be familiar with terrain but be prepared for some serious mountain wave coming off of the Appalachians if you are down low. I like a minimum alt of around 8500 as I fly on the East side of the chain for a smoother ride, especially this time of year.

Have fun...it will be a definitely be an enjoyable trip.
Fla -

The east coast of Florida is very busy with flight training aircraft. Embry Riddle, FIT, and a host of other big flight schools call that part of Florida home - many training foreign students.

Be careful when you get down there. Head on a swivel.
I fly from Savannah down to the KMLB area a lot. From Savannah I usually fly to KSSI andd then to Daytona and will stay within gliding distance of the shore. This is almost a 150 nm journey over water and will give you a great view of the Georgia/ Florida coast. From Daytona stay on V3. V3 runs from Daytona to Melbourne. It will keep you practically right over I-95. This will also keep you away from Orlando class B and the restricted areas of the Cape unless there is a launch within the next 12 hours. I always use flight following because this area is extremely congested.
Avoiding the MOA's

Planing on flying my RV7A down to Melbourne FL. from the Adirondack region of New York. Those of you that have made trip before any suggestions of route taken would be appreciated. Planing on leaving Fri Nov !3.
Thanks in advance.
Ed Hamilton


I used my GPS 296 to consider your route possibilities. You would add about 10 minutes to your travel time using the route via Hagarstown with a comfort stop and self-serve fuel at (8W2) New Market, VA in the Shenandoah Valley. It would be about 2 hours 45 minutes if you are starting at 4B7. I am using my RV-9A cruising speed of 160MPH in my GPS. I also like to stop in South Georgia to get fuel when I head to Florida. I can go down there to Melbourne, Stuart, West Palm Beach and back to S. Georgia on a tank of fuel easily.

You might want to check out this route in your GPS to avoid MOA's and class B airspace. It is west of DC and east of Charlotte class B airspace.

4B7, KHGR, 8W2, KLYH, CTF VOR, COINT intersection, EDS VOR, KBHC (Baxley, GA fuel stop), CRG VOR, KMLB.

The COINT intersection and EDS VOR waypoints will keep you clear of the restricted airspace near Columbia, SC. You will fly over the CLASS C for Shaw AFB on that part of the route. On the way to KBHC, you will pass under Coastal 8 MOA which has a floor of 11,000 MSL. The route from Baxley to the Jacksonville, FL area is clear of any MOA's and gives you plenty of time to climb up over the JAX class C and follow Victor 3 from CRG to MLB.

IF you want to see what is down there, you can look at my web site on some of the trips I have flown on that route. This link shows aerial photos going down V-3 from JAX to MLB. My particular flight that day was non-stop from Chattanooga to Stuart, FL (KSUA).

Considering the flight time from NY to Florida, you may want to call Lil or Ricky at the Baxley airport and ask about motels there and using the courtesy car overnight. The number at the airport is 912-367-3232. Right now, the avgas price there is $3.35 per gallon. That is the lowest price in Georgia.
