
Well Known Member
Planning a trip from San Diego to Minnesota at the end of the month and looking for some advice. I'm doing a southerly route and not quite sure the best way between say, Phoenix and Clovis. Right now I'm thinking stop for fuel at Casa Grande and first overnite in Deming. I have no experience in cross countries of this magnitude and would like to avoid high terrain, knarly weather and long legs.



Then after Deming, should I shoot the gap up through Truth or consequences (looks like could get some weather up in there) or round it out to the East through El Paso?

Thanks for the advice!
There are so many choices. The way you have picked is fine maybe a little further. We have gone to the midwest many times from KDVT and like either the route to KABQ then turn the corner up to the MN or IA area. Personally if early and good weather we go over the lower part of the rockies coming out by La Veta 07V. The terrain going through the KABQ area is probably not much different than Going further south but a comfort level is yours to chose. It will also make a huge difference where in MN you are going? You will probably get lots of help picking a route. :)
Have a great trip, Larry
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First, what'cha flying, RV-9 or C-172? If it's your RV-9, no need for fuel in Casa Grande with an overnight in Deming; you can non-stop to Deming in 3+ hrs, gas up, then press on eastbound! After DMN, head east towards Wink, TX, then point northeast to Minnesota, or head north to Socorro then turn towards the NE. Either way works fine...

Not sure if 3:15 or so is too long of a leg, but with an overnight in Deming the RV has barely had a chance to get warmed up!
RV-9A (50 TT) - Probably end up in Alexandria, MN first, and your right, there are many ways to to run North, probably dependent on weather. I love flying in the Midwest; airports are everywhere! I'm just trying to convince myself of a good route from San Diego, to the other side of the Rockys. Have Oxygen on board, but don't really want to dwell that high for too long.

Not sure if 3:15 or so is too long of a leg, but with an overnight in Deming the RV has barely had a chance to get warmed up!

yeah, I'm thinking about that. That could burn upwards of 30 of my 36 gallons though... I'd hate to overnight that soon if things are goin well.
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Weather dependent

I have family in South Dakota and flew there often from the Phoenix area. First, San Diego to Casa Grande is only about 1:40. No need to stop that soon.

This is the northern route but avoids the Rockies. If the weather is good, go San Diego to St. Johns for cheap fuel. Then Dalhart, TX for fuel and a stop. To Dalhart is about 5:30 from San Diego. Go to Baileys Flying Service for fuel. Cheaper and nice people. You could stay there and they will probably loan you a vehicle. Call ahead.

You are now about 4:30-5 hours from Minneapolis area. Maybe less. When I fly to South Dakota (Eastern) I can do the trip with one stop in Dalhart. Total trip time is less than 8 hours.

The Southern route is okay but adds miles and time to the trip. Weather is the determining factor especially this time of the year.

Good luck.
This is the northern route but avoids the Rockies. If the weather is good, go San Diego to St. Johns for cheap fuel. Then Dalhart, TX for fuel and a stop. To Dalhart is about 5:30 from San Diego. Go to Baileys Flying Service for fuel. Cheaper and nice people. You could stay there and they will probably loan you a vehicle. Call ahead.

Good luck.

A friend who flies that way frequently changed his stop from Dalhart to Dumas (DUX) 28 mls East.

They have cheaper fuel and are better attended for a courtesy car...
Is this what you guys mean? What's weather like over ABQ end of January?


Looks good if you are happy with it. Weather is always a c*** shoot but the 10 day forecasts will give you a heads up. You can always change the route toward better weather if needed. Just stay within your personal comfort zone and have a nice trip. Larry
Is this what you guys mean? What's weather like over ABQ end of January?


I too chose a similar route for a flight to KCRQ last summer. I was somewhat performance limited in a T-tail Lance and opted for RWY lengths close to 7000, I was really wishing I was in my RV! 12,500 was all the Lance would give me in the summer and it was sufficient over the mountains, taller stuff was just to the north of this route. We stopped at KCAO (dinosaur tracks at the lake) and KAEG on the way out and KSOW and KTCC on our way to a wedding in KOKC. Either way you go it'll be a great trip!
We stopped at KCAO (dinosaur tracks at the lake)

Where is this place? I want to see dinosaur tracks!

BTW...I know it's Clayton, New Mexico, but can one walk to this lake?

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Been SoCAL east and back more times that I can count. The stops may not be exactly what I have used but are close. DHT, DUX, & BGD are all good stops with fuel prices that are typically very good. SJN is my typical first stop. Been know to use INW at times also. Typically I have used BGD as a RON more often due to the free cars, hotels, great FBO personnel, and restaurants close by in town. BGD may take you too far south and east for your final destination. Typically one can turn more north anytime after you pass LVS.

For fuel stop planning, I like to use AirNav Aviation Fuel TAB "Plan a flight with fuel stops" to figure out places that have the most reasonable prices on fuel. Being a tail wheel aircraft, I tend to not always stop at the lowest cost fuel but the one that is fair price and has a crosswind runway. 5 or 10-cents fuel cost difference is only $2 or $3 on a fill up but $1 difference in price is $20 or $30 per fill up.

The first time I did an across the United States flight in my RV (16-years ago) I kept remembering what my flight instructor taught me about VFR. When I did not like weather that what was on the course in front of me, I turned the airplane to a direction that the weather looked better. I would then use the GPS to find an airport in the direction that weather looked better to stop. As long as you know how to use the NEAREST button and how to get info for the nearest airport you selected on your GPS, you will have an out. An out should keep you safe and on the ground where you can plan another way.

Lots of ways to get long range weather out look. This is one of my favorite long term weather outlook sites for trends and is not very well know.
Been there

A friend who flies that way frequently changed his stop from Dalhart to Dumas (DUX) 28 mls East.

They have cheaper fuel and are better attended for a courtesy car...

I've been there when I knew Bailey's in Dalhart was out of fuel. Nice place. DHT has two really long runways. Nice to have cause the wind is always blowing there. Either one is a nice stop. Not much around Moore though.
We stopped at KCAO (dinosaur tracks at the lake)

Where is this place? I want to see dinosaur tracks!

BTW...I know it's Clayton, New Mexico, but can one walk to this lake?


It's a 20 mile or so drive from the airport to the state lake, fuel prices aren't the cheapest but 2 courtesy cars and not much traffic make it a decent stop. It's nothing fancy (besides the old cop car:eek:) but the dinosaur tracks/history museum/ rabbit ear cafe finished off our traveling day nicely. Clayton does have a haunted motel/bar but we were too tired to stop. I thought the drive was scenic past the "rabbit ears" on the way to the lake, we sat out a short thunderstorm in the car before taking a short hike to the spillway and the dinosaur tracks. It was the perfect overnight stop for us with a couple kiddos, in my opinion we had more fun and spent way less money than staying in Santa Fe.
It's a 20 mile or so drive from the airport to the state lake, fuel prices aren't the cheapest but 2 courtesy cars and not much traffic make it a decent stop. It's nothing fancy (besides the old cop car:eek:) but the dinosaur tracks/history museum/ rabbit ear cafe finished off our traveling day nicely. Clayton does have a haunted motel/bar but we were too tired to stop. I thought the drive was scenic past the "rabbit ears" on the way to the lake, we sat out a short thunderstorm in the car before taking a short hike to the spillway and the dinosaur tracks. It was the perfect overnight stop for us with a couple kiddos, in my opinion we had more fun and spent way less money than staying in Santa Fe.
Thanks, Andy!
Gonna try to make it one of my flights when I visit my 7 (I leave it in AZ in the Winter and visit it once or twice a month).
Happy New Year!
Just went to Key West and back (Got home yesterday). Going east, I launched from Mojave and went to mid valley Airpark (E98) (just south of ABQ) for the first fuel stop. From there, we went direct to the Ft. worth area (50F) to RON. My two legs were 2.9 and 2.5 for the day. On the way back, we launched from 50F and went for DMN for our first fuel, but found quickly that the 40 knot headwinds would not allow legs that long with only 42 gallons feeding a 540. I made a conservative stop short in Andrews County (E11), then DMN via WHOLE. From there, it was a quick hop into Chandler (P19) to RON.

This was my first major cross country in the Rocket, and I can tell you that in any "contest of will" the weather is going to win. Be flexible, and pay attention to winds - they can make or break you. Especially if you are headed downwind to "take a look" at questionable weather ahead, then have to turn around and fight your way back. Be prepared to land, tie down, and sleep on the floor of the FBO if you have to. I can tell you from first hand experience that taking a gamble and loosing will change your whole perspective.
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If it's a one time trip, skip Clovis and use Tradewinds Airport in Amarillo.

They have good hotel deals with free shuttle service and you can eat at the Big Texan Steakhouse, who will get you there via their free "cowboy limousine".

Not for vegetarians though...:)

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The ABQ route is usually reasonable if the jet stream is not too active in the area. Be very aware of the winds aloft. If the 12'000 or even the 18'000' winds aloft exceed 60, the El Paso route may be better. I have experienced 60 knot loss of airspeed in less than a minute just west of ABQ when the winds aloft were in excess of 80kts. (Mt Taylor near Grants)
Right now the jet is well to the east of the Rockies.

Today is an excellent example of relative benign weather along the ABQ route. Surface temperatures in mid to high 40's, light surface winds, no significant weather until Eastern Nebraska. A window tomorrow for the last portion.
The ABQ route can be flown at 8500' by following I40, with the exception of a slight detour to go around Mt Taylor near Grants and a more significant detour almost to Santa Fe to avoid the high terrain, then back to I40 until Tucumcari.
Today is an excellent example of relative benign weather along the ABQ route. Surface temperatures in mid to high 40's, light surface winds, no significant weather until Eastern Nebraska. A window tomorrow for the last portion.
The ABQ route can be flown at 8500' by following I40, with the exception of a slight detour to go around Mt Taylor near Grants and a more significant detour almost to Santa Fe to avoid the high terrain, then back to I40 until Tucumcari.

I'll keep my eye on this route too. I can go direct from Ramona to Havasu then follow I-40 over to Dalhart, TX and up.... this may be a simpler route.