
Well, it looks like I am going to have to travel to Texas within the next month or so to take a deposition in Copperas Cove, near Ft. Hood. I have flown the -6 from Seattle down to Phoenix before, and am mulling over the idea of trying to take the RV for this trip. It would be a 2 day trip each way, for sure. So, what would be the best way to get from the Las Vegas or N. Arizona area over to Copperas Cove? There are some big rocks in between - and while I have done some flying over the northern Rockies, I don't especially like long legs over that kind of terrain, if I can help it. :rolleyes: Any recommendations on fuel stops, where to park the RV at the Copperas Cove end, etc. also appreciated.

Maybe I will cave in and fly commercial, but if there is a practical way to do this by RV I will sure give it some thought.
Flagstaff to Albuquerque

Looks like you could go Flagstaff to Winslow to Albuquerque and then toward Amarillo. Once you're past the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque in central New Mexico, you have no more mountains, and you can go direct. I haven't been on the western part of the trip (west of Albuquerque), but my low altitude IFR enroute chart makes this seem very feasible. Usually very cheap fuel in Borger, just north of Amarillo. Watch out for prohibited areas near Amarillo and near your destination. Also, be conscious of P49, just west of Waco.

Or, just hire me to take the deposition. I just started my own firm, having left my partnership with a large insurance defense firm. Check my website www.mikegraylawfirm.com.
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Flagstaff/ ST Johns

ST Johns KSJN is a great stop- good service and 100LL is still at 3.99-
If you have any problems, Make Flagstaff a stop for maintenance.
PMed you my cell
I stayed over night at Killeen by Ft. Hood

It has been a while but returning home from Kennedy Space Center I was blocked out by weather one time and after refueling at Georgetown, TX I diverted to Killeen because I had worked on a project for the Army at the adjacent Ft. Hood and wanted to show my wife the area. The White Sands Missile Range is a big obsticle from El Paso to Albuquerque so you probably have to expect to pass over one of those cities. The next day I continued on to Southern California over Midland, TX, El Paso, TX, Tucson, AZ, Gila Bend, AZ, Blyth, CA, etc. Essentially reversing this route minimizes mountains (though there are some tall ones northeast of Tucson that often have clouds above them) Coming in this way provides easy access to Killeen from the south. There is a lot of cannon firing activity to the west at Ft. Hood (sometimes all night long it seems) but I was able to avoid all of the associated complications and get into Killeen with no special handling. It would be a great trip - I think you should do it which ever route you choose.

Bob Axsom