
Well Known Member
This is not a picture of a NASCAR race. It’s what breaking an engine in looks like! Using a very tortured logic, subtracting a year for a military deployment and two years for a Masters Program, we finally completed RV-8 N747BM after 7 ½ years…. OK, OK…. 10 ½ years!!!!! My wife can rivet and proseal and I have an amazing group of guys that pitched in to keep me going.

First flight was Sunday May 17 at 05:30 am wheels up. Flew perfectly straight with no heavy wing. Four flights, 2.1 hours with only minor gripes. …… Still grinning. Thanks DR. This site was a HUGE part of the success. Thanks to all.

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Yahoo, those mountains just add to the first flight pics!! And yes I was 1 month shy of 10 years of building before my first flight, not a single regret.
Nice Bob. When I saw the picture of your hangar, I remembered being there before! 10 years is a long time - make the most of what you have built and have fun!
Congrats, Bob!

I knew you'd finish soon! Being almost 4 years into my 10 build, I'm probably on par for a 10 year build also, but so be it.. With your pace, it looks like you'll finish your Phase 1 testing in about a month! :D
I was priviledged to watch firsthand how a very "professional" first flight should be conducted with Jim "Gringo" Gray flying chase--these boys know what they are doing and I've learned plenty from them over the last couple years. As my hangar mate, I've watched Bob literally "live" at the hangar for the last several months, spending long hours. Its great to see you get to that elusive finish line and see that RV grin!
Seems like a long time ago...

...since you helped me bend my rudder skin! Congrats on your first flight! Jealous for sure. Nothing like a Colorado RV-8 and mountains in the background on a sunny day (Haven't seen one of those for a while). Rain rain go away.......
Rain rain go away.......

Really! It has been two weeks now with rain. Rain is fine an all that, but this is sunny Colorado after all......
Rain go away

I fully intended to have 15 hrs on it by now. I've never seen weather like this in CO. Getting a lot of the fiberglass work done though.......
Round and round

That is a beautiful airplane, and a great first flight! You should feel mighty proud Bob!

I have never seen anyone work so hard to bring it all together. Well done!

Jim Gray
RV-8 735 hrs
Gringo Rocks

Truth be told, Jim "Gringo" Gray was with me for almost the entire journey. His Oshkosh award winning RV-8 is in the same hangar row and he would gently hold my feet to the fire to not just build, but build to a higher standard. And he would show me how....... Thanks Gringo...... I think :)
Congrats too!!

Great job Bob! Good to see another RV at BJC and knowing you had the support and influence from Jim you are well on your way to a great aviation experience. Your RV8 looks great!! Enjoy once we dry out a bit!

I missed this thread somehow although I?m regularly here in the forum.

So congratulation for your first flight.

I was with Bob at his hangar in March and he showed me his RV-8 still under construction by then. I very much admired it and intend to copy a few things. Bob even organized a flight for me in the RV-8 of one of his RV friends there and since then I?m working harder to complete my own project.

I am sure you will enjoy your RV-8.