Thanks for the vids! I planned to go early to the garage but I'm still (02.00pm) reading the blogs etc of these pilots in Papua. At work I consider a runway of 6000ft short and most of the time we have an ILS. These guys are the real pilots!

I guess if there is not a cockpit door, there's really no need to ban passenger machetes and skull axes.
When they outlaw axes, only criminals will have axes! :p Looks like they have an open-carry law for axes over there.

Wonder what the crime rate is? :rolleyes:
Not a crime rate problem.
I think the passengers are more likely to carry machete to protect themselves against the Indonesian military and Kopassas special forces who are killing their leaders.
Terrible tragedy the way the Papuan people and nation have been treated by the UN, and others, and their plight ignored by the West.
Beautiful country, and tragic what is being done to them by outsiders.
PS do not confuse Indonesian Papua (now called Irian Jaya) with the separate country next door (Papua New Guinea).
My post was intended to be a light-hearted "copy" of the NRA statements:

If guns were outlawed, only criminals would have guns.
Open carry of guns would likely reduce the crime rate.

It was intended to continue with the light-hearted comments in previous posts.

I never was good at telling jokes. :rolleyes:
Thats what I call Landing Gear

Thats what I call landing gear. Watch the video and watch how the gear absorbs the bumps etc. Great videoS....THANKS.

Tell you the truth, Jersey, but what I notice is how the pilot maintains directional control as the airplane rolls through wet, swampy patches on one side of the runway. If you've ever driven on the freeway at high speed through a bunch of standing water along the edge of the lane, you know how that can pull the wheel right out of your hands.....

Bob B.