
Well Known Member
I know - it's not allowed under ELSA rules. But, what's the weight difference between the 100 HP rotax (incl radiators, coolant, cowlings, etc.) and the O-200 Continental firewall forward installations? Advantages of the Rotax over the aircooled bulletproof direct drive Cont.?
I don't have the exact weights here in front of me, but I think you will find that the Cont. is at least 40-50 lbs heavier than the Rotax, probably more. I researched this extensively while searching for an engine for my bi-plane. I ended up using the Jabiru 3300 with an all up installed weight of 178 lbs. The Cont. was well over 200.
For comparative purposes, there is also the new Lycoming O-233... an iteration of the venerable O-235. I thought it was a couple lbs. lighter than the O-200... but not sure.

Regardless... from what I recall from the development of the RV-12... having the seating forward of the spar is made possible by a light powerplant. I think 40 - 50 additional lbs. hanging on the nose would throw W&B unacceptably forward.

I like the idea of the Jabiru... and for someone wanting to engineer the FWF... for a E-AB it would provide some nice performance enhancements.

Solely my opinion. :)

The O-233 is still heavier than the Rotax, but simpler. If the weight works, great - the O-233 is simpler and probably easier to maintain - no gearbox, no dual carbs. However, weight is going to be a problem with the O-233. The 912S works so well on the 1,320 MGTW LSAs because of its light weight.

If you could get a LSA with the O-233 to a useful load of 550lb , I'd say that was great. 500lb ... Ok. 450lb? No - that's not even 2 "standard" adults + 20 gal of fuel.

We have 605lb useful load in the CT with the 912S. I'd give up 40 lb to have the simplicity and "A&P friendly" nature of the O-233. On a heavier airframe like the RANS S-19 (about 800lb empty) the additional weight of the O-233 gets to be significant.


Wife's quickbuildS are DONE - 10/25/08. Phase 1 has started! :D


I that is plural, so you have TWO new firefighters in training??


Now, looks like the 12 is out of the question, you need a 10:D
Thanks Mike!

Yes... TWO identical little dudes. Future firefighters... like dad and big brother - maybe - or maybe they'll be future fighter pilots?! :D

Yeah... having twins has created interesting "problems"... like... honey, this house is really gonna be too small... :eek:. So... the airplane "issue" is just yet another. While the 10 is a wonderfully big plane... knowing its a cool 100k minimum to build... I don't know. So the plan for now is an easy, fun build... probably a 12. Although, when I visited Van's a couple months ago... I could sure see myself flying missions in an -8!!! :D