
Well Known Member
I'm approaching my annual condition inspection time, and I decided that I should do a search at Rotax Owners dot Com, and use that as my sign off document. I first searched by my serial number, then did a search my model 912-ULS. In both cases, I did not see SB-912-063-ULS. This is the fuel pump change to the new style, which I did, and expected to see it on the list for my engine, Not so. The only way that I found it was to search the Rotax "Service Bulletin Index". So, I am wondering what else was missed with this search. I must be doing something wrong!! Has anyone else tried this??

Maybe the serial number of your engine is not affected?
It was effected, and I did get the replacement covered by Rotax. I have a copy of the SB. The issue is, why didn't it show up on the SB list for my airplane in the list from Rotax Owners dot Com??
I'm approaching my annual condition inspection time, and I decided that I should do a search at Rotax Owners dot Com, and use that as my sign off document. I first searched by my serial number, then did a search my model 912-ULS. In both cases, I did not see SB-912-063-ULS. This is the fuel pump change to the new style, which I did, and expected to see it on the list for my engine, Not so. The only way that I found it was to search the Rotax "Service Bulletin Index". So, I am wondering what else was missed with this search. I must be doing something wrong!! Has anyone else tried this??


Are you sure about the Service Bulletin number? What I came up with was SB-912-053-ULS and ASB-912-053-ULS.

Try this Rotax link:

It will direct you to the Rotax "DOCUMENTATION" search engine.

If you already tried this Rotax link, then disregard this message.
Otherwise, I hope this helps. . . . :)

Are you sure about the Service Bulletin number? What I came up with was SB-912-053-ULS and ASB-912-053-ULS.

Try this Rotax link:

It will direct you to the Rotax "DOCUMENTATION" search engine.

If you already tried this Rotax link, then disregard this message.
Otherwise, I hope this helps. . . . :)

Thanks for the link. I may start using it instead of the Rotax Owners site.
Now about the SBs. Both SB-912-053-UL, and SB-912-063-UL are in regard to fuel pump issues. 053-UL is an old SB from April, 07, and did not include my serial number. 063-UL has a June, 2013 date, and does include my serial number.

My real issue was trying to understand why this did not show up on the list of Rotax Service Bulletins that effected my engine. Still a mystery?? For me, it's not an issue, as I already have complied with it, but someone who had not, and did a search for applicable SBs would miss it. Now that is a concern.
