
Well Known Member
Looking for some advise. For those of you who have taken these two, 2-day courses.

Did you do them back to back and if so, would you do that again? ...or would you take the first, and then schedule the maintenance course at a later date? (ie. is there too much to soak in at once.)

Assuming these are both worth taking but I'd appreciate feedback on that too I guess.

(my 912 arrives later this week)

I just finished the service and maintenance courses back to back at CPS. I definitely recommend back to back.
I did all three, service, maintenance, and heavy maintenance back to back. When renewal was after two years I just took the refresher course for the first two which is a one day course. There is no refresher for heavy - you have to take the whole course over again. I decided I did not need to be heavy certified.

Back to back is best. Skip heavy unless you are going to use those skills all the time.
I did not take them back to back but agree that schedule would have been as good or better than splitting them.