Most people that I know run dexcool mixed 50/50. This is what Eric Tucker from Rotax recommended at the Rotax courses I attended. Evans is an option Personally, I have dexcool in my 912.
I ran the Evans coolant in the 912 in my RANS S-7, but I am switching to the Dexcool/ water 50/50 mix for the RV-12. This is per the latest recommendations from Lockwood in Fla. Steve
Distilled Water

When using DexCool, remember to use only Distilled water. I've seen the damaged done by using 'tap' water on a Rotax 582.
When using DexCool, remember to use only Distilled water. I've seen the damaged done by using 'tap' water on a Rotax 582.
"Mandrake, have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rain water, and only pure-grain alcohol?"

(Sorry, couldn't resist) :)


I did a 'google' dexcool and its really might want to look into it also...
I did a 'google' dexcool and its really might want to look into it also...

Old, old stuff, the usual folklore that circulates around the internet when a few boneheads misuse a product or don't do their maintenance.

You'll be fine with dexcool, it's recommended by Rotax and works fine. I've used it for over 200 hours in my 912uls and no problems.

BTW, the premixed 50/50 is the most convenient since it's already mixed with clean water. Just pour it in and go.

I fix cars for a living and yes Dexcool can be nasty stuff the same way guns can be deadly. If you don't read the instructions bad things happen. We have been using it in all water cooled Rotax motors for over 10 years, works fine. Overheating it and adding contaminants (like mineral laden water) will make it unhappy like all coolants. In the car world we don't see vary many Dexcool problems since the public (and repair shops) are up to speed. It only took 14 years.....