Not needed on the RV12!

Because the Rotax 912 is in a cowl configuration on the RV12 carb heat is not required.;) No one has of yet reported carb ice as a problem on this form.
I agree with John I don’t think you need it, even though I do have carb heat.

I have this system on my RV12. (throttle body carb heat from the coolant). It was already installed on my Rotax that I took out of my lsa and put in my RV12.


No performance issues since it does not heat up the air just the body. Down side is, just extra plumbing and weight. I am considering taking it off during my next annual.

Lockwood also has a model
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Carb ice is rare on the 912 series, but it does happen. The muff style is effective, and the coolant type is very, very effective.


As with most things RV, we must be careful generalizing...

Susceptibility to carb. ice on a 912 will always be directly related to what airplane the engine is installed on, with the most likely being something like an Aircam (exposed engine), and least, something like an RV-12 (90+% of the air that enters the cowl gets heated on its way in).

So far, I have only seen one scenario that has caused carb. ice on an RV-12 (and we get our share of prime conditions here in the N.W.)
That condition is when ground running the engine with the cowl off (top or both), when the engine has just been started and is still cold.