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Hi there Experts
My RV 12 won't take off until it reach 75 Knots of speed.
It used to be normal 55 Knots rotating speed.
I am not sure what to look. Everything looks okay to me!!

Appreciate all the inputs.

Either someone is storing lead bricks under the floor, your airspeed indicator is way off (pitot clogged with bugs?) or your elevator range of motion is restricted. Can you move your elevator to the stops? Is the seat cushion or cell phone restricting aft stick? How about your indicated airspeed vs GPS ground speed.. are they in the ballpark?
Is your take off trim correct?
If the plane lands at 45-50 then it will take off in that range, If you are having to hold a lot of back stick to get it in the air than maybe your trim is incorrect.
Thanks for reply.
Landing speed is still the same only take off speed increased.!!!

Are you TRYING to lift the nose earlier than 75? I haven’t flown a -12 yet, but I fly lots of other LSA, along with RV-6s, -7s, -9a and a -14a, none of which I “rotate” at 55. I get the nose off the ground much earlier than that and let it fly off the ground.
Check your indicated speed vs your GPS speed when you reach take off speed.

You’ll quickly know if the pitot static system is the problem.

I did this with ForeFlight in my car and found my speedometer was 3-4 mph off. It explained why I was always getting passed on the interstate when my cruise control was set on 75.
I once had a spider take up residence in my pitot tube on another home built. It really screwed up my airspeed indication. The amount of blockage can change as the nest swells with humidity. Longshot, but something to consider.