
Well Known Member
If any of you had (have) the opportunity to attend a Banquet where Rosie is the guest speaker.... what topics might you like to hear about....??? Seriously all, I could use some input here :D Rosie

UPDATE: 20 Minutes? 30 Minutes long? or ???
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A dissertation on all of those Caribbean RV trips. The more details and pics the better!
I would broaden it out a bit from the previous suggestions. Since it's the year for the RV-6 and you belong to one of the most traveled RV-6s around, talk about the trips and the people that your RV-6 has enabled. What's it like to have such a great time machine and what have you done with it? Few have utilized an airplane more effectively!

the trips are you Rosie.. so yea.. but focus on the hard parts.. how do you know where the good beer is at.. no just kidding.. international flight, and customs is a scary part for most.

Maintenance and challenges during the trips is always fun to hear about as well.

Maintenance and challenges during the trips is always fun to hear about as well.

Yes, it would be nice to learn what maintenance items are essential to getting 4000+ hours on an RV.
1st trip to OSH

Make sure you include the story of your first trip to Oshkosh and what Victoria asked about the clouds ahead...
I would be interested in the way things have evolved over the years of travel to split the crew resources/management/responsibilities/tasking during cross country flights. Specifically, since Victoria is not a "pilot" even though she has more flight hours than most of us here.
"Traveling in the RV-6 with two people" - regardless of destination, just how do two people pack one of these without a convenient mass-to-energy (and back again) converter? :)
You know you're always working on April. We get the call every month or so to knock around ideas. Dude, this is WHAT you do.

"Auto rough over water". I want to see you pick each foot up off the floor with a mic! Why we like to travel with all our RV friends. Why we like a 4-ship, "no search, only rescue". Then, don't just tell your story, but those of the people around you, because yours doesn't quite happen the same without all the others.

I was chewing on April this week as well... I see we have a lot of travelers going to OSH. We need to organize to meet somewhere / sometime.
You know you're always working on April. We get the call every month or so to knock around ideas. Dude, this is WHAT you do.

"Auto rough over water". I want to see you pick each foot up off the floor with a mic! Why we like to travel with all our RV friends. Why we like a 4-ship, "no search, only rescue". Then, don't just tell your story, but those of the people around you, because yours doesn't quite happen the same without all the others.

I was chewing on April this week as well... I see we have a lot of travelers going to OSH. We need to organize to meet somewhere / sometime.

You are ABSOLUTELY correct Scoot!!!! It's the people that make the trips!!! Thanks for the tip... and... YES... we need to get the group together to talk about Antilles 2017!!!! :) Rosie & Tuppergal

Your story telling skills have always been Top Notch! :cool: You have a large repertoire to choose from, just pick the most relevant ones you like. Traveling in a small plane is difficult and intimidating for some people. Helping to get people over that fear may go a long way to furthering the sport.

IIRC it's all about "Expanding our circle of friends" :D