
I'm New Here
I have an unfinished walkout basement that is quite large. Can the RV-12 kit be built in the basement?
It all depends. Do you have your spouse's permission? :D
Seriously, the answer is yes. Of course you will have to measure each finished part size and compare that to the door opening.
Joe Gores
I have a local friend that did just that. Did most of the plane in the basement and stored the completed portions in a single bay gagage.

I visited several times during the build so can confirm it can be done. Not quite as easy with an RV-10 however...

I have an unfinished walkout basement that is quite large. Can the RV-12 kit be built in the basement?

Yes you can, I have a buddy who built his in his basement. Mark had his wings on the plane spanning two rooms. Mark, post a few pics when you read this.

Contact Sheet-build1.jpg

I built my in the living room and moved each kit out to the hanger for the final assembly, just plan appropriately, get organized, and start building.

Just be prepared for the questions, "How you going to get it out" :D
Room size

Hello, our build took place in a 11by22 room. It was in my basement, had wife's permission and I still find pieces of aluminum from the deburring process in the carpet. We left the roll bar off when we took the fuse out to the garage. It worked well for us.
Yes, you can!

PIC below of RV-12 in basement with gear and wings on.

View from other side, wing went into an adjacent room, made it by 1" on each side.

Had to remove the gear and wings to get it out.

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basement build pics


I knew you would have pictures to post quickly. By the way you could have found better friends to help move the plane out of the basement. ;)
also building in my basement with walk out

I am also building in the basement.
I have a sliding glass door for the walk out and I think i will have to take the door wall out to get the tail section out but will see when it is spring

Have fun