
VAF moderator
Hello Everybody, time to organize for a move. I've got a wife, an 8 month old kid a dog, 3 cats and an RV-3. I have a place to stay for a week but I need to find something for the three of us and the RV-3. The new job is in Huntsville and starts on the 10th. If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know. I stopped at Moontown, nice folks! We don't have to bring the pets. My wife and I don't know anybody over there so it will be a bit interesting. We are looking at apartments now but would love to stay in an in-law suit until we get to know the area and find a place to live and a hangar for the -3. I can live in practically a closet for 4 nights a week until the family comes over. After the start date, I may not be able to answer the phone at work but will call or text back as soon as possible.
Big thanks!
Welcome to Huntsville

Hi Brian
Welcome. I live in Hartselle and work between the runways at the Huntsville airport. I've been here 13 years. Shoot me a private message if you would like any pros or cons on certain areas, school districts etc.....