
Well Known Member
After brutalising my rudder leading edge with a broom stick and vice grips I found on the forum a post describing the use of a hollow metal curtain rod with sockets glue into the ends and using two ratchets.
It worked brilliantly. Very neat, completely controlled roll, and the lap joints are perfect.
If he was in Australia I'd drop him off a carton of beer!

Now where did the Easter Bunny put my egg?
Great idea!

Hey thanks, thats a great tip.

I used a hollow aluminum tube and pop rivets, but still had a hard time applying torque.

Eventually I will build another one, so I will remember this.:)
On my android at the moment and it won't let me search on this forum.
I'll see if I can find the post on my iPad and copy it across.
October last year I think. Has pictures.
Just a suggestion but using pipe wrenches on one or both ends works nicely as well and you don't have to sacrifice any tools.
I saw that tool with the sockets and curtain rod in the nick of time to roll some leading edges and made one. It was the bomb and I love it. It turned a nightmare on the rudder to a piece of cake on the elevators. An excellent method.

And many thanks to the inventor. One of the reasons VAF is a must read.