
Well Known Member
Hey guys, I know you are told to roll or pre bend the skins with a rolling tool where there are "lap" joints. My question is do you still need to do this where the Skins lap over the spar? i.e. the tank, leading edge and main skins all but up together over the spar. Did you roll/bend these edges?

Also, I can't find the "rolling" tool made from the vicegrips that they show on the EAA video. Looked on spruce, brown tool, Avery with no luck. Can anyone point me to that tool?

Thanks you guys.

You don't need to roll those joints. Only the ones where the skin is trying to curve or make a bend (like on the elevators and rudder). The joint where the wing skins meet up on the spar is essentially flat.
Try Cleaveland Tools

I missed part of your question. Try a part EF60 from Cleaveland Tools. I don't have any experience with them, but I hear others on the Forum say only good things about their tools.
Dave is right on all counts; Cleveland Tool for the roller and you don't have to roll the skins. BUT you can roll them, and IMHO, it makes a better joint. Practice with the vice grip roller and you will quickly discover it can make a light or medium roll. A light roll pulls the edge down tighter and seems to keep everything straighter. I like the look, and a better seam is going to add probably .0002 kts to the cruise speed;)

Bob Kelly