
Well Known Member
Well, attained one of those milestone everybody talks about. "Rolled the canoe" Tis a nice feeling.


However I do have a question for the collective expertise out in VAF land. I have the fuse level L & R, front to rear and are setting the F-714 aft deck. I can get it to within 0.24 of a degree without much effort. It takes quite a bit of grunt to get it right and I'm worried I will distort something. If I did this with a spirit level I wouldn't get the accuracy I get with a digital level. How did others fair with the step, I would like to get it "spot on" before drilling.
I imagine Vans would tell you that 1/4 of a degree is OK.
Its been too long ago for me to remember if mine was off a smidge. Probably.
Don't take my word. Ask them if you are concerned.

I am curious about the image you posted.
I assume it is NOT level in the picture, and that step was done later?

Another hint. After doing a few things with the fuselage upright, I turned it back over. It was a lot easier to sit in a chair and work (on wiring for instance) rather than climbing in and out of the fragile unfinished fuselage.
Couple of things. Before drilling the aft deck I installed the rear aft top skin and it pulled everything into alignment. Next, if you have already installed the two keeper rivets in your F-712 bulkhead this may be why you cant fudge it the extra .25 degrees. I put my keeper rivets in the WD-409 after the aft plate was drilled and riveted. Easy access through the inspection panels. Otherwise you have no idea if the F-711 and F-712 bulkhead are aligned. I was able to get my F-704, F-705, aft plate all at 0,0.
Hope this helps.
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Perspective ...

Anytime you're debating about less than a degree of level/plumb/alignment, recall there are thousands of RVs flying that were built with a bubble level and no whiz-bang digital aids whatsoever. :)
Like what was mentioned before, put the top skins on and that will pretty much pull everything into alignment. Verify with the levels and if they are all within a hair or so of agreement, then drill the aft deck.