Jeff R

Well Known Member
I have considered the rolling of the canoe to be a major milestone, and that milestone was finally met today! I am so excited. Getting to look inside the plane without having to be squatting inside the thing with sore knees and a bruised head from bumping on things is so neat. The wife worked several hours with me to get this finished today, with I really appreciated. I am in my last week of time off before going back to work, and getting to this stage of aircraft construction and getting back up in the air as PIC (well, ok, I am still with an instructor, so I guess I am not officially PIC yet), plus having my birthday last week and, especially, having Kansas win the Big 12 tourny and be a #1 seed, has made this time off the greatest vacation ever.

Thanks to all who have provided me guidance and help to get this far. Now things are going to start getting interesting.


Congrats on the roll over and the other satisfying activities associated to everything flying.......

Frank @ SGU RV7A....last 1001 details......

Congratulations! Keep working on the rest of the details....

Assuming you are just "renewing" your flying (i.e., already have a ticket), you can still count your time as PIC, as can your instructor.


The certificate doesn't expire, but the clock is always ticking on your ability to be PIC...see 61.56. Just went through this last year and until my flight review was complete it was just dual logged, not PIC.

Congrats on the fuselage rollover!

The certificate doesn't expire, but the clock is always ticking on your ability to be PIC...see 61.56. Just went through this last year and until my flight review was complete it was just dual logged, not PIC.

You can still log it as PIC. Acting PIC and logging PIC are separate, in many cases you can do one but not the other. Since you had your cert, even if not current to ACT as PIC, you could still log it.

14 CFR 61.51 said:
(e) Logging pilot-in-command flight time. (1) A sport, recreational, private, or commercial pilot may log pilot-in-command time only for that flight time during which that person—

(i) Is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated or has privileges;

(ii) Is the sole occupant of the aircraft; or

(iii) Except for a recreational pilot, is acting as pilot in command of an aircraft on which more than one pilot is required under the type certification of the aircraft or the regulations under which the flight is conducted.

Notice it says nothing about being current, or PIC for that matter. As long as you are rated and manipulating the controls you can log PIC - note also that it does not require you to have endorsements for the aircraft, ie TW, HP, or Complex.
Rolling the canoe

Congratulations! I?m jealous. It seems like you were just finishing the fuse forward, and now you have rolled. I?m working on my brakes now, and ready to take it all apart for the debur, dimple, cs and rivet. I only get to work on the weekends, so maybe in a few weeks I will get to report on the big roll!

QUOTE=Jeff R;207624]I have considered the rolling of the canoe to be a major milestone, and that milestone was finally met today! I am so excited. Getting to look inside the plane without having to be squatting inside the thing with sore knees and a bruised head from bumping on things is so neat. The wife worked several hours with me to get this finished today, with I really appreciated. I am in my last week of time off before going back to work, and getting to this stage of aircraft construction and getting back up in the air as PIC (well, ok, I am still with an instructor, so I guess I am not officially PIC yet), plus having my birthday last week and, especially, having Kansas win the Big 12 tourny and be a #1 seed, has made this time off the greatest vacation ever.

Thanks to all who have provided me guidance and help to get this far. Now things are going to start getting interesting.[/QUOTE]
Congratulations! I?m jealous. It seems like you were just finishing the fuse forward, and now you have rolled. I?m working on my brakes now, and ready to take it all apart for the debur, dimple, cs and rivet. I only get to work on the weekends, so maybe in a few weeks I will get to report on the big roll!

I took three weeks off from work and emmersed myself in airplanes. As posted, I started flying again and am happy to report I passed my flight review Friday and can now take to the skies on my own again. Bad news is that the flight school had to jack up the rental rate when a new FBO who took over here jacked up fuel prices by $1/gal. (A lot of pilots here will be boycotting them. The school also took the opportunity to make further increases. $92/hr for an aging VFR C152 is nuts.) Plus, I got to hang out at the airport and meet some more pilots and, of course, I got to spend a lot of time working on my airplane.

It is back to the salt mines tomorrow, but I am glad I got to get in that extra work as I feel better prepared to venture over the Sun n Fun and start plunking down big bucks for the big ticket items.