RV-12iS with 2 G3X screens and a G5 standby instrument.
After firmware 9.12 I got a Roll Servo hardware fault.
I then updatet to firmware 9.14 and things were ok on the ground but on a flight today I got two faults.
First the right G3X went black for 5 min, came back on but with touch fault. I could not change anything on the screen.
The Roll Servo fault also came back.
On the ground with a power reset the G3X seems to work again but the Roll Servo hardware fault is still active.

I am not sure what to do?


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Check with Garmin both my servos failed they had a series that where bad give them the serial number of the servo and they will replace it.
Servo Fault

RV-12iS with 2 G3X screens and a G5 standby instrument.
After firmware 9.12 I got a Roll Servo hardware fault.
I then updatet to firmware 9.14 and things were ok on the ground but on a flight today I got two faults.
First the right G3X went black for 5 min, came back on but with touch fault. I could not change anything on the screen.
The Roll Servo fault also came back.
On the ground with a power reset the G3X seems to work again but the Roll Servo hardware fault is still active.

I am not sure what to do?

Good Evening!

Software v9.14 included improved onboard servo monitoring (you can read a bit more about that here). Please send us an email at [email protected], and we can get you set up with an exchange for your servo. We will also be able to assist with the Touchscreen fault. We apologize for the inconvenience with this, but once we get the equipment exchanged for you, you should be all set.


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