YellowJacket RV9

Well Known Member
Hi all,

I was excited to finish my autopilot installation today and go fly it tomorrow, so I was pretty bummed to find out my roll servo installation kit from GRT (yes, I specified for an RV9), did not include the adapter plate that attaches to the bellcrank. Rather than wait for them to send me one, does anybody have the dimensions of this plate so I could fab up my own? I have been nothing but happy with GRT, but this a/p install kit has been disappointing. Was also missing the spacer rod, and one drilled-head mounting bolt.

As an update, after speaking with GRT last week they seemed unfamiliar with this issue, and I have not yet heard further from them. I have made up the adapter plate with appropriate dimensions out of aluminum as a mock-up, but I don't think this is the proper material to use in the final installation. I am planning on just making one out of steel plate (primed, of course!), but if anybody knows the actual material and thickness of this piece I'd be happy for the help. Thanks

For clarification, the piece I refer to is seen here

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