
Well Known Member
Is Roland on here or does anyone have any contact info for him? I came across his site & was originally just going to request a link update. I also see that, as of his last update in 2007, he was planning to go with an Innodyn turbine engine. I had thought about an Innodyn way back, and I was just curious if he was still considering that. His web site is
My email is bmeyette at gmail dot com
I know him but no contact

He lives around Orange in California. He used to be in our fly-in group. I heard that he had backed off on the jet engine.

Bob Axsom
Where is Roland Koluvek

Hi Bob,

I still live in Orange. About my web site, I have not updated it for 2 years. I need to get that turbine engine part removed since they have gone down the tubes.

I my RV7A is on hold for a couple more years. I have been helping a friend build his RV7 and on most Saturdays I am at Yank's Muesum at Chino Airport. EAA Chapter 92 is restoring an L-5, completely taken apart and slow being but back together. We hope to take it to Oskosh 2010.

Roland Koluvek, [email protected] (new email address)