
Well Known Member
HI all-
Just bought a Rohm keyless chuck. Note that there is an interference issue with this chuck and Sioux drills. If you do not place a washer on the drill drive before screwing on the chuck, the chuck will get stuck on. A single AN washer .060 thickness works fine, although Cleveland sells a specialty washer.

To remove keyed chuck: insert allen key and tighten chuck. Lay drill on workbench with head supported but key free to swing over edge of bench. Whack with hammer, counterclockwise. This will free the chuck. Unscrew.

To remove stuck Rohm chuck: Make small offering to the tool gods and ask for forgiveness. Wrap protective tape around Rohm forward knurled knob. Clamp on a pair of vice grips. Set up as with keyed chuck above: head of drill supported on edge of table, vice grips free to spin. Insert a silicone spray wand in the upper and lower slots on the head of the drill just aft of the Rohm rear knurled knob. Whack vice grips with hammer. You will probably have to whack quit a few times to loosen the chuck.

Once you get the Rohm chuck set up properly, it works GREAT. This is a fantastic time saver, I'm surprised I haven't seen it on the lists of must-have tools.

Thanks to Brown Tool for instructions on how to remove both the keyed chuck and stuck Rohm chuck.
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How much longer is the Rohm chuck compared to the standard keyed chuck? Have you noticed an reduction in clamping using the keyless chuck? Those are my two primary concerns in switching to a keyless chuck.
Use a MACHINED Washer - not a STAMPED washer as a spacer.

I would also add for those considering adding a ROHM Keyless Chuck to any drill, be sure to use a perfectly flat MACHINED washer and not a stamped washer like you might get from Lowes or HD. If the 'spacer' (washer) has any warp in it whatsoever, your drill chuck will wobble. When we install ROHM Chucks on Sioux Drills in our shop, we actually use a machined spacer from Sioux that is precision machined and perfectly flat.

To Alex: The ROHM chuck is a piece of art. They are made in Germany and the workmanship is superb. There is a huge difference between the keyless chucks you might see on a cordless drill from the hardware store versus the ROHM Keyless Chuck. The ROHM will close perfectly to 'zero'. I will let others give you their review of in the field use, but we selll about a thousand ROHM Chucks each year and I can count on one hand the number we have had returned.

Michael Brown
Brown Aviation Tool Supply Co.
Die Grinder Rohm?

I love this chuck. Thanks for the info on the machined spacer, I will go ahead and order one. I'm curious what you think about using one of these on a die grinder?
How much longer is the Rohm chuck compared to the standard keyed chuck? Have you noticed an reduction in clamping using the keyless chuck? Those are my two primary concerns in switching to a keyless chuck.

Looks like this part of Alex question didn't get answered. Anybody know how much longer the Rohm chuck is?
The Rohm chuck is about 1/2" longer than the standard.

Weight is an issue as well. The Rohm is 4.8oz heavier than the standard and that is on a 6" torque arm, so it throws the balance of the tool off. It is a bit of a trade off having the tool unbalanced vs. hunting around for the chuck key.

I only use the air drill for the high speed stuff: #30&#40 reamers, drill bits, extension drills, and microstops. The odd sized bits and larger bits I use a cordless electric that has a keyless chuck on it. To allow for the rapid keyless changing on the high speed drill I use the Boeing Quick Change System with adapters for the tools.
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Thanks Mike
So why do you prefer the Boeing to the Rohn? Is the Boeing chuck + adaptor lighter than the Rohn chuck and better balanced? Is the bit change time shorter? I see the adaptors on your website, but how does a standard drill bit insert into the adaptor? Thanks
Good questions, sorry I didn't give more detail.

First the tools fit into adapters that are colleted for a specific size. That is why our kit has three adapters for #40 tools (reamer, drill, extension drill) then different sizes for #30 (same tools) and 1/4" (shank size of microstop cages). The colleted adapter has a nut on the outside that clamps the collet down onto the bit.

Second sizes and weights:
Standard Chuck - 6.0 oz, 2" long, 1.25" dia.
Rohm Chuck - 10.9 oz, 2.5" long, 1.25" dia.
Boeing w/adapter- 3.0 oz, 2.4" long, 0.75" dia.

The only drawback to the Boeing QC is that you have the super smooth bearings of the Sioux drill and you lose a bit of concentricity in the Boeing chuck. I think it is worth the trade off when a tool change is less than a second.
I'm still trying to sort through the pros and cons of the Rohm keyless chuck vs the Boeing keyless system that Cleaveland sells. For those that have used the Rohm, is that extra weight over the standard chuck very noticable in operation? Also, for those who have only one air drill, how often do you find yourself changing bits? The Boeing seems like a faster change, but the price of having an adapter for each bit adds up.
Should be on the favorite tools list

I change bits all the time with the Rohm, it takes just a second. You barely need to turn the chuck to snug and the bit will not slip. I don't notice the extra weight. It saves me enough time that I was considering buying one for my die grinder and then realized I could buy two more die grinders for the same price and just keep each one chucked with its respective tool. Anyway, a very well spent $65 on the Rohm.
I tried a Rohm chuck, but either something was goofy or I just couldn't tighten the chuck by hand tight enough. After about 10 or so holes the chuck would loosen up and if I didn't notice the bit would fall out. I also didn't care for the weight and the extra length, it seemed to upset the balance and made it a bit harder to poke into various places. I'm back to the regular chuck and happy as a clam.

Not to turn anyone off from it, it is very well made. Just wondering if anyone else experienced that and to give a little love to the regular chuck.