
Well Known Member
When I started installing the rod end bearings on the rudder I noticed that one was larger than the rest...didn't think to much of it at the time at rereading instrx and didn't see any mention of it. But today I am finishing the elevators and I am short one rod end bearing except the one that is larger. um?? Was I suppose to use that on the rudder or did Vans just send me one slightly larger than the others...thx all
If you look at the rudder dwg, it shows the 3616 located in the lower most slot. The upper two are the 3614s.
Carefully study the drawing where parts are called out. For example, bottom rudder rod-end is 3616 whereas the other two are 3614.. those are NOT the same.

Preview plans have a full page dedicated to rod end bearings and how to differentiate them...