
Well Known Member
Airshows are magical places if you let them be. Kids have no problem doing that. The Rocky Mountain Airshow concluded this past weekend at KBJC (just NW of Denver). It was fun to watch young and old enjoy the excitement of being around airplanes of all types…. From powered parachutes to FiFi, the only B-29 left flying. The Rocky Mountain Renegades performed an 8 ship show all three days. We have 7 RV’s and a Giles 202 on the team. The RV series are truly amazing machines that can do it all!!!! (and Steve your Giles 202 is no slouch either!). I haven't heard what attendance was this year , but last year was over 60,000.






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It was great to watch you and the Rocky Mountain Renegades represent the RV crowd (and Giles :)) at the Rocky Mountain airshow. The coordination and skills of the entire team was quite impressive. Good job!

Me too. I was there with the family on Saturday and we really liked the show. It's so nice to have a little "mini-Osh" in Colorado. I wish they could do something to make it a little more fly-in friendly though. I didn't see many static displays of people's birds, and what I did see were mostly certifieds. Still needs work with more actual aviation business vendors, more "public shade" and perhaps a better camp-by-your plane area. Still, it was great to see several of the performers who were at Osh weeks ago, along with Fifi and others. Not much military presence this year, which was a bummer, but a great show nevertheless. My 20 month old daughter made her first wooden rib this year, with some help. Got glue everywhere! :D
aviation events

This airshow was associated with the Rocky Mountain EAA Regional Fly- in until the EAA cut off insurance coverage some years back, It had a heavy involvement with EAA activities and attracted a lot of homebuilts and antiques. Now they bolt for the exit before the field closes.

Jim Cimiluca and his team have done a fantastic job of keeping it going as an airshow without the EAA headquarters involvement. Part of the problem this year, in my opinion, is the poor state of the economy, the budget problems for the military teams ( no demo airplanes ), lower vendor participation, and the pull back by corporations. Did you notice the corporate chalais were half empty?

Its just another sign of how things are today.

That being said, it was a great airshow by some great pilots and planes, and I surely had a great time!

Chris M
That being said, it was a great airshow by some great pilots and planes, and I surely had a great time!

Chris M

It was fun watching you guys fly Chris.

I agree, the show wasn't as good this year...smaller crowds, no military flying (F-22 demo last year) and fewer big name pilots (Kirby and Mellissa Pemberton last year). And yes, lets not confuse this with an EAA stated, it started out that way but it certainly isn't anymore. Just a plain ol' airshow...but hey, Its airplanes and flying...and that's never a bad thing. We've had multiple years without airshows here in the Denver area so I'll take what I can get.
Nice videos

Checked out your videos on the RMR Web site. Lots of goog flying and smoke!

Bravo Zulu :)