
Good Afternoon. This is one of my first posts on Vans AF as my father and I are hoping to start on our 9A within the next year. First off let me say thanks to everyone for allowing me access to such a HUGE amount of great information on this site. I've been lurking around here for a while and can safely say it is one of the greatest forums on the net.

Anyway, I live in Colorado and was curios to see if anyone here would be attending the Rocky Mountain Fly-In at Front Range Airport and would be willing to give a couple newbies their first up close Vans Aircraft tour :D . I know the owners on this site are known for their generosity and willingness to show off their accomplishments so I hope I?m not being too intrusive. Thanks in advance and hope to see some people out there!

I'll be going, but I'm not flying yet. I'm sure you'll find someone there to chat you up about their RV.

(Too many Corey's these days!)
I hope to make it up Saturday...

from DFW area, should be a nice to day fly up by the looks of it. I figure if we leave early, stay about 3 hours and turn around and come back we should have a nice day of flying, ETE about 7hrs round trip with one fuel stop.
Walt...If that's not motivation for getting started on our 9 then I dont know what is.

It does sound like it will be a great day, although, HOT HOT HOT!! Kinda day to watch that density altitude. If you decide to make the trip and wouldn't mind showing off your airplane feel free to give me a PM. Thanks.

Hello Corey,

My name is Vance Franks. I live in the Denver metro area and I'm building a 9A. I have finished the tail, the left wing is almost done along with the ailerons and flaps. You are welcome to drop by and see the project if that would help. I'm no expert on anything but I'd be happy to share what I have learned so far. My number is (303) 766-0295.