Jeff Vaughan

Well Known Member
I will be vacationing in Port Clyde ME next week and I was wondering if there are any RVers ; builders or flyers local to the area.
Roman Majunka (sorry if I spelled your lat name wrong, Roman!) has his RV-8A at KRKD. There are two RV-9s at KBST, and two RV-8s at KIWI (including yours truly)...

How long are you gonna be around?
Hey Hairball!!

What do you know about the Lobster Fest? Thinking about coming up there for a weekend trip. Would be great to meet some RVers while the wife and I were up there as well.
Hey Hairball!!

What do you know about the Lobster Fest? Thinking about coming up there for a weekend trip. Would be great to meet some RVers while the wife and I were up there as well.

We have gone to the Rockland Lobster Festival a couple of times. It's small and they charge to get in. Not a whole lot to see IMHO but YMMV. You can't beat a trip to Maine for ANY reason though! Maine Lobster's are hoovering around $4.00 a pound direct from the trucks for soft shells so bring a cooler to take some home.
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Hey Tony,

Never been to the Lobster Festival, although I hear Mary Tyler Moore goes every year, buys a bunch of 'em and releases 'em back into the wild. It's a knee-slapper for the lobstermen...

Now if you want to have some fun, come to Wiscasset (KIWI - Small Flightless Bird). We drink beer (home-made and good), play music (home-made and not so much), and we'll have some warbirds on the field (the Texas Flying Legends stay here from July through October -

You want some sea-bugs? We'll cook 'em ourselves...You'll miss Mary though...

Sea-bugs...tempting! :).

Maine might be the spot! I did 4 seasons up at Loring AFB and would love to fly around/over that area. Perhaps even land... What's up there now? Is the snow gone yet? :D
We are here until Saturday am. Been enjoying the great weather.
We picked a good week to escape the hazy hot and humid back home in Pa
Go to Rockland any time. Probably better when there are no festivals. Plenty to see around the area.

Our favorite spot is Port Clyde.
Apologies for the slow uptake... 2 RV's on the field (RKD)... Romans -8, & my -4.... We should be at the hangars Saturday morning if you get hung up with anything or drop by to say hello.
Mike Cranson
Vlad and I will be visiting Rockland on Saturday, Aug 4th for the LobsterFest. Who is going to be around?
I'm in the New England states from late Thursday thru Monday morning but I have Saturday afternoon commitments. Breakfast somewhere on Sunday or Monday ?
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Vlad and Tony if you go to Port Clyde, just south of Rockland, be sure to walk out to Marshall Point Light House and get a photo. this is the furthest point East that Forrest Gump ran to!
Good suggestion Jeff!

John, it would be great if you went, I have a ton of questions for your "builder". :D
Tony - as I understand it, Oshkosh had scientists calculate the exact mass of all the RV's that attended. They then countered that by forming tiny singularities in Area 51 and one of the the former Slviet Ice camps.

I say all this because if you are successful in coordinating Monday Breakfast, we may need to contact those same scientists and warn them of so many converging RV's !
Hey All,

The monday morning breakfast will be at my place in Rangeley,Maine. If you would like to fly up, all are welcome.

We are planning on eating at 9 am but if we still have incoming planes we can delay things.

I will have my jeep up there and can pick you up at 8B0 if you do a low pass over town.

Shoot me a pm for my cell number so you don't end up sitting at the airport all morning.

Nothing fancy for breakfast. I am thinking BMC Diner right in town.

Vlad, Alfio and Tony have reserved rooms at my house and the b&b across the street has vacancies if we overflow.

Come one and all!

:D. CJ
Departing separately

Tony we depart separately and converge in Rockland. I might get out of work after midnight and the earliest time I can leave is Sat at 1100. Depending on the weather I plan to fly over federal waters somewhere here. Yes I have a life jacket :)

I'm already in NH. I was planning to join on for the monday breakfast but weather is looking iffy. I may just head south on sunday. Guess it still early enough to hold on the final decision.
Here at Sannizzaro-Rangeley it's nice and clear. We are having good time. Blow the fog away and come with sea bugs :D



Vlad, your only a few miles from Rumford Me. I was hoping to get there on Friday for a SuperCub fly-in but the weather is not going to co-operate. We have been getting fog here lately as well. Delmar is not far from you either in his 172. He's over in St. Stephen NB. I assume he won't get back in here today as he had planned.
Have fun Ron
i have a email to john for contact info for mornings breakfast. will see what happens. over.:p
Russian Roulette

Is that what you Russians really use to play Russian roulette ;)

Johnie, you know how to live. Looking forward to being absolved of my sins so I can come visit. By the way, you should see upstate Michigan sometime. Reminds me of Maine a lot. Maybe you will swing through next year on the way to OSH.
Antony that heavy thingy I used to crack the shells on the seabugs :D And Johnny is still cleaning the house after all of us I don't envy him...

The Russian is not elaborating!

He really did use the pistol to crack the lobsters and i WAS still cleaning the house until 5PM this evening.

I just arrived at Major Papes house.

What a fun weekend!

:eek:. CJ