Nice Videos

Thanks John, good job.
Looks like lots of fun too.
A nice break from the SnF stuff.
Thanks for taking the time to share this with us.
Single Place???

Is that a Rocket III/single seat in the vid??? Is an email contact possible?
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Regarding the Rocket III question, nope, that wasn't a III, that was the original Harmon Rocket (Now called the Harmon Rocket I). I think it's based off the RV-3 with an Angle Valve 4-cylinder, but I could be wrong.

Those of use who wonder about the RV5 are the same that wonder what the heck came before the HR II?:p

Way back in the day when I was building my -4 I visited Vans Aircraft at North Plains. While walking through the old "back hangar" they showed me a small, RV3 size fuselage and wings in the rafters with a VW powerplant. They identified it as the RV5, a design Van didn't think would sell at the time. I think it's still there.
As far as Rockets go, the HR1 was a 3 derivative, beefed up with an IO-360 shoehorned into it, see link at bottom. I think there were only 4 or 5 built. The HR2 of course well known, the HR3 is for sale on
Check it out...

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