
Well Known Member
A little off topic, but I've been wanting to develop a simulator for my Harmon Rocket. I have an interest in a motion control company that builds flight sims, so this was a side project for me.

However, the bluebird of happiness dropped a complete primary flight control system in my lap. I don't own it, but if I can adapt it to a motion control platform, I can use it. It will be a lot more fun than a Rocket sim.

I know what it is, but I thought it would be fun for a few educated guesses. Go at it!



My first guess is that Julie wants it out of the front hallway PDQ... :)

Can't be a Spitfire or Hurricane control column as the head isn't articulated... Chipmunk, perhaps?
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I don't see any evidence of brakes, that should narrow it down a bit.
Definitely not a Chippy.

It would fit nicely in my hallway.
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Well, it is British. Many British aircraft used similar control assemblies, so it would difficult to determine the actual aircraft it came from. I have the opinion of the owner, but it's difficult to verify.

There are serial numbers on many of the parts, but only one brand that I can't source.

As for the brakes, they have been removed from the spade and donated to a museum. Anyone with a Raleigh bicycle might be able to provide the handle!

The rudder adjustment gear appears to have bad teeth, confirming it's British ancestry.

BTW, in an odd coincidence, during my historical search, I stumbled upon enlistment papers for the Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force, dated February 14, 1916. The 18 year old was my Grandfather, who fought at Vimy Ridge.