Patterns are dangerous

Busy traffic patterns are dangerous - that's where we need to have our head on a swivel and good SA. I've flown into San Marcos many times over the past 40 years and there are moments where it's totally empty and those where it's very busy and I pulled out of the pattern because I just didn't have a good sight picture of what was going on.

Really glad that the three people involved didn't seem to have major injuries - that's pretty rare for a midair on final that looks like this photo at the end. The Rocket is the burning pile on the left. Apologies for the quality, I just did a screen grab of the KVUE news video.

Rocket N540LK C172 N108VK San Marcos Crash 20200924.png
Busy traffic patterns are dangerous - that's where we need to have our head on a swivel and good SA. I've flown into San Marcos many times over the past 40 years and there are moments where it's totally empty and those where it's very busy and I pulled out of the pattern because I just didn't have a good sight picture of what was going on.

Really glad that the three people involved didn't seem to have major injuries - that's pretty rare for a midair on final that looks like this photo at the end. The Rocket is the burning pile on the left. Apologies for the quality, I just did a screen grab of the KVUE news video.

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Looking at that photo it's miraculous that all survived. Too many accidents lately - seems like they come in bunches
Wow, I saw that news story online elsewhere but hadn't connected it to the RV community... There's nothing in the video that could be identified as RV or Rocket that I could see. Darned lucky that pilot was to walk away.