
Looking at a potential move to the Rochester area and wondering about the RV community, hanger info, and possible Air Parks in the area?

Looking at a potential move to the Rochester area and wondering about the RV community, hanger info, and possible Air Parks in the area?


Craig, you might checkout the Twin Cities RV Builders Group for related info.
Yes, Craig, we have a great group of RV folks in this area. My son and his wife live in RST and we get there quite often. I'd be happy to fill you in on our activities!!!
Craig, I have lived in Rochester for about 16 years now, but am probably not the best person to paint an accurate picture of the local RV population. I'm very new to this myself, and have not become involved locally. I know that the local EAA Chapter (EAA100), which is based out of the Dodge Center airport, has a few RV builders, but I have not become involved there. If you get on their website, I'm sure you could touch base with some of them. As others have mentioned here, the Twin Cities RV club is an outstanding group. I recently joined myself and look forward to learning from them. Sorry I can't give you more info. Other than Dodge Center, the Rochester airport has hangers, but I can't begin to tell you what the availability and cost is. At Dodge Center, hangers are privately owned. There are no air parks in this general vicinity, but I know of one a few miles south of Minneapolis. If you have other questions about Rochester, I'd be glad to help.
Good info

Thanks for the info. I am going to be poking around the area week after next so will check some of that out. I will be checking out both of those groups and will be in touch with them as well.
