
Well Known Member
Well I'm officially a repeat offender! I just placed an order for the RV-7 tail and wing kits. Its been 15 years since I started my -3B, 10 years since I finished it, and 2 years since I sold it. I dabbled in an Extra 300 for about a year, but the lack of performance in every area other than aerobatics drove me to sell my share. I kicked around the idea of a bush plane, but again I had a feeling the lack total performance would lead to the same frustrations I had with the Extra. I'm excited to be back and looking forward to another build!
Welcome back to the club brother. Hope you have more room than you did during your first build. All the best.
Rob, I just texted your post to a guy on our field who flies both an Extra 300 and a (very) big-tired Maule, and has been showing some interest in my RV-7 project. To paraphrase your signature, the proper number of RVs on an airport is one more than you already have!
Great to hear!

Hi Rob - glad to hear you will be active in the RV community again. getting close on my -14A. Hopefully airborne sometime late this fall . . .
Its good to be back! Mark I like that pointy aluminum spinner on your 14A. I saw a pic of it here someplace.

This build has been a completely different experience relative to my old -3B. It's more about the spending time building with my son than working to have an airplane to fly. At 4 years old his attention span is only 30 or 40 minutes, but for that brief time he's all in. Hes fully checked out on operating the air drill w/reamer bits and placing rivets.

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The wings are here!

My wings were delayed until October (14 month lead time), but for whatever reason they ended up shipping in May! The empennage went together in just a few months, making this feel like the true start line for the build.
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