
Well Known Member
Sadly Robbie Attaway passed away in early Feb. While not active in the RV community the last few years he was in the past very active in the PHX area. He designed and built several nice modifications to RV?s. I own his second RV built and it?s a great aircraft. He was always willing to help anyone with a RV.
Sorry to hear, I remember his posts.

Appreciate the update.

Keep her flying in his honor.

Seattle area
Sadly Robbie Attaway passed away in early Feb. While not active in the RV community the last few years he was in the past very active in the PHX area. He designed and built several nice modifications to RV?s. I own his second RV built and it?s a great aircraft. He was always willing to help anyone with a RV.

Sad news, but thanks for letting us know.
I spoke to Robbie several times over the years about his products and his Purple RV-6....He was very proud of it being very fast!! I was lucky enough to be at Louisa when Bill Riggs purchased her from Robbie! I got to ride along in her and fly formation along side as well. Robbie had done many mods and it showed in the way it flew and the speeds as well.
Robbie is surely missed by the RV community...RIP Robbie, Blue Skies..
Condolences to the family.
I am sad to hear this news. I never was able to meet Robbie in person but had several telephone conversations with him early in my build. He was always willing to answer any questions I had.

My condolences to his family. God Speed Robbie.
Very upsetting!!!

Robbie and I were close friends but hadn't had much contact since he moved to Texas. He was a mentor to me when I was building my first 7. He would stop by often to look things over and we'd go to lunch. I remember how disappointed he was when I told him I was going to put a Subaru on it. He didn't push hard but made it clear I would be disappointed and would ultimately end up with a "real" airplane engine on it. He was right.

Robbie and I later built an ECI in my hangar that ran like a top and never leaked oil. He said, "when I build an engine, it won't leak. I want my engines to be just like my Fords." Nuff said!!! Never leaked and neither do my Fords.

As my build was wrapping up Robbie would stop by. He would ask for legal pad, flash light and for me to leave for an hour!!! I'd come back and he would have a list of things that needed to be done. He didn't leave. He would roll up his sleeves and start working through the list explaining and teaching as we worked.

First flight came and Robbie was the man. I was never in the mode of "I built it, I'm flying it first," kind of guy. He explained that my plane would have 2 first flights. Both exciting off the charts. On the first flight the AFS2500 engine monitor went blank. He flew around for .5 and came back. He called Rob Hickman on his cell and we had it fixed in 30 minutes. Another hour and he pushed me into the plane and I conducted the 2nd first flight. What a rush.

Robbie was on my insurance and flew my plane often. He would come back and tell me, "that's the best flying RV I've ever flown." I always thought he was stroking me but he told me he meant it.

I'm so bummed at this news. I'll be reaching out to the family. We lost a great person. Sadly, as the birthdays add up, it will become more common. RIP my good soul. Miss you buddy.