Thor RV10

Active Member
Since working with Rob Hickman on my panel I have been very impressed with how he and his son Jeffrey will go out of their way to help me out with issues from time to time. Someone from Dynon referred Rob to me as they suggested my complicated panel would benefit from having him get involved with the design. Anyways, often times these issues have nothing to do with Rob's excellent quality engineering and end product. One example of this was today when I needed a new butyl tube from Vans Aircraft. Rob sent his son Jefferey by Vans to pick up the tube for me as he was driving up to Arlington (AWO). He also sorted out some bad advice in regards to Grove wheels and the type of tube required.

I cannot say enough good things about the 5800 panel and overall quality of Rob and the team's end product. Their service alone is enough to insure my loyalty for many years to come. I would definitely recommend these fine people as they have gone out of their way many times now.
Not surprising. Rob and family are solid people that get it. Jeffery had an early start in avaiation. I remember visiting Rob and Jenny a few hangars down when she was till pregnant. I guess you could say he was born into it.
It has been fun following Rob and family through their "great American story". They earned their success with their brains, hard work, and, always, a customer first attitude.
Rob and his whole team provide the best service of any company I have ever dealt with. Others are good. These guys are great. The fact that their first option when calling in is service demonstrates where their focus is. Great people!
You couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of people. We are fortunate to have them in the RV community.
Not to mention they have a terrific product!

RV7 N767T
AFS 5600 quick panel
I think they are the most responsive of all of the glass panel providers, and it is Rob that sets that tone. Rob treats his customers like they are family (and he has a wonderful family).

I too have had many of the same great experiences, and I had bought Dynon Skyview before they merged. The Hickman's still gave me first class service.

But if it is beer brewing day for Rob, all bets are off! :D
I've got to chime in here...I purchased an RV-7 Advanced Quick panel (Dynon VFR) for my project.....first, I must say, the installation went flawlessly. Just drop it in. All the testing had already been done at the factory. By far the most work was connecting all the engine sensors to the EMS module. Once that was done, I simply connected the pre-made cables to the Quick Module, and voila, the panel came to life. I had exactly 2 issues...1) my CHT leads were connected in reverse polarity, so my CHTs were showing negative temps as the engine was warming. Simple and quick fix. 2) I needed the system to reconfigure itself and find the autopilot servos and update the firmware before they became live. Again....the Dynon team responded to my question immediately, and I was "live" within an hour of submitting my question.

Rob and his team were simply phenomenal in answering any questions I had. And to say they are responsive is a vast understatement. They respond to e-mail requests and phone calls immediately. There was a time or two when I had to wait until morning as I was working late....but I think that's OK too.

Along with their responsiveness, the Dynon user forum has also been super helpful (and responsive) with any questions relating to adding additional features, configuring..or just plain updating maps.

OK....I sound like I'm gushing. But they deserve it!

Thanks guys!
Since working with Rob Hickman on my panel I have been very impressed with how he and his son Jeffrey will go out of their way to help me out with issues from time to time. Someone from Dynon referred Rob to me as they suggested my complicated panel would benefit from having him get involved with the design. Anyways, often times these issues have nothing to do with Rob's excellent quality engineering and end product. One example of this was today when I needed a new butyl tube from Vans Aircraft. Rob sent his son Jefferey by Vans to pick up the tube for me as he was driving up to Arlington (AWO). He also sorted out some bad advice in regards to Grove wheels and the type of tube required.

I cannot say enough good things about the 5800 panel and overall quality of Rob and the team's end product. Their service alone is enough to insure my loyalty for many years to come. I would definitely recommend these fine people as they have gone out of their way many times now.

I met Rob at OSH and he spent a lot of time talking me through the options. My 5600 system is now installed (thanks, Jesse). I had a couple of gremlins that Shawn in service very patiently walked me through. I just called him a couple days ago and he gave me advice (I haven't had a chance to try it out-who knew that an impulse mag feed could cause an erratic tach reading.....?).

I am very happy with AFS and my decision to install it.


Without question one of the most responsive providers in the business. What I like is that it is a family business. We are fortunate in the Experimental world to have such great companies.

Thanks Rob and Jen!!! And, of course the rest of their family and all other AFS staff!!!
+1 for the compliments to Rob, Jenny and the Team at AFS. Always a friendly greeting and always willing to go above and beyond to help us through our many questions :) Keep up the great work!
Even though it's probably 18 months away...

threads like this quietly affirm my intention to install an AFS quick-panel when the big day comes.

That's a good feeling.

Rob has already been prompt and helpful with my early-on questions about AHARS mounting and such.
I can't disagree with all the comments about Rob and Jeffrey.

But I also have to mention Jenny, Tricia, Shawn, Ken, and especially Truman.

They all do a great job!

They just need to keep Truman out of the Flying Pug IPA. :eek:
I will jump back in and add that for a maintenance shop doing live troubleshooting, it is invaluable that I can get an actual person on the phone 80-90% of the time on first call. This compared to another of the big 4 where I don?t know if I?ve ever gotten a person on the first call, and sometimes don?t even get a call back until the next day if at all. I don?t require a lot of tech support, but AFS wins this battle hands down!

The title of this thread scared me. I said oh no I hope Rob is OK.

Yep, great group to work with
I see this thread is about a year old and I haven't seen it until now. I feel like chiming in here as well. I'm one of the "locals" and I've known Rob and his family and crew for a long time now. My project has dragged on for a very long time, but it doesn't matter to them. They help me whenever I ask, and I am so proud to be carrying their products in my RV. I have never been so impressed with how someone runs a business. Their service and how they care about their customers is second to none. The award that Rob received a while back was well deserved! I will be a loyal "ambassador" for their products and their work for as long as I live. If you haven't seriously looked at their products, check it out!
Don't know what I can add here. I agree with Vic.

Recently send two items for repair one of them was my AFS5800. My EFIS was repaired and returned within one week including shipping time. The other item that was sent to another vender, much much longer.

I receive email replies from Rob even on weekends.

Do not archive.
Absolutely the BEST, hands down!

Rob and his family set the tone for the whole crew at AFS. They are just genuine people who love what they are doing and go out of their way to help!
And in the meantime they create some really cool, lasting products. :)

Jeff Hickman

Ditto to all the good things said prior about Advanced and the Hickman's.

I recently received a Quick Build Panel and Jeff is the guy who supports my every question during installation. He is patient and knowledgeable. He even personally brought it up to my neighborhood from their factory in Oregon.

Very great help for complicated products. And I've also had phone calls with others in their office and everyone is polite, supportive and easy to work with. This all adds up to great at helping get things done.
