mike newall

Well Known Member
Next year is an off year for Sun n Fun, truth is we can't get the normal villa and other options are a lot more.


Thought, how about a road trip with the son and heir ?

I'm 56, he is 28, so we actually talk and communicate now !

Flights are booked - into JFK May 2 2016, leave MCO May 12.

That means we have 10 days to get from North to South, via...... Anywhere.

Don't like cities, love quirky, love State Parks, love RV's and anything old.

Suggestions please !
My recommendations from north to south:

Gettysburg, PA. Whole town is museum to American Civil War
Washington DC Smithsonian museums especially Air and Space and the annex by Dulles Airport (downside is city crowds)
Williamsburg, VA. Park of colonial times
Charleston, SC. Beautiful antebellum town on the coast. Take a horse carriage ride and dine on seafood.
Savanna, GA. Similar nice town on the coast with 18th century coastal fort.

I am a bit west of your path but the parks and natural mountain scenery are great in the Asheville area (very quirky too :)) . Send a note if you decide to take a western route.

BTW, I never got into Yorkshire when I was travelling to the UK. Manchester and the Midlands area was as close as I got.
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Skyline Drive and/or Blue Ridge Parkway

In addition to what Bill wrote, and especially if you're not in a hurry and want to get away from the cities, you might enjoy driving part of your trip on the Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park and/or the Blue Ridge Parkway which goes right by Asheville, NC.

I wouldn't recommend driving the whole way from end to end but sections of each parkway are just beautiful especially at that time of year.

Just some suggestions to consider.

Stop in New Smyrna Beach, FL and visit David Maib and the rest of the aviators at KEVB. Visit Kennedy Space Center, and take a bus tour, where NASA, the US Air Force, and SpaceX launch rockets. See if you can get an RV flight at 100' AGL over the Shuttle Landing Facility (Shuttle's 15000' runway). A few minutes west you can visit or jump at Skydive DeLand.

Thanks guys, great suggestions and the first two look very promising.

Carl, I operate into MCO all the time with my day job and skydive at Zephyrhills, so you were pretty close on that one. Took the VAB tour last year, most impressive.

I penned out just about what you said Bill and almost ran out of time around St Augustine....

It's further than you think when you allow stops to admire and visit places. My 2006 Rand McNally had a celebration of 50 years of the Interstate system and featured some interesting places along that kind of route.

It may be a long ways off, but we guys have to plan carefully - don't want to waste any opportunities ;)
It may be a year away, but we are expecting a trip report with a few photos after you make the trip! Especially if you have some RV experiences... ;)
Mike, there are lots of interesting stops down the west side of the Chesapeake. If you decide to take the east side of the bay, you are welcome to visit 53VG for a stop over "meals and lodging". You will even see one RV-8 :D

I was at Kentmorr yesterday lunchtime with some friends on a fly out from Harford County ! Packed - 3 hour wait for lunch so we went back and had a cookout instead.

I get layovers in JFK and drive down there instead of staying in the city - will bell you next time - I have access to a Citabria at Harford County.

Mike, there's seldom a wait for a table at 53VG. However, sometimes the food is a bit slow. Hard to find good kitchen help these days and the cook is known to get distracted easily :D