
See my Post "Improvements to the Avery Rivet Squeezer"

This shows an easier way to set the larger diameter rivets.

It also shows using a piece of tygon tube to squeeze the parts together prior to setting the rivet.

Hope this helps.

If you are squeezing them, try using a rivet gun and bucking bar.

It worked for the last guy with the same question....:)
Hi Joe,

Where are you placing the set screw in the aluminum rod in order to clamp the yoke? It is not apparent to me in your post or photographs.



The aluminum rod has a 1/4-20 set screw in the center of the rod.

there is a slot for the yoke that goes past the center of the rod

The set screw pushes the yoke against the far side of the slot.

If you want, I can make one fo you and mail it to you.

The whole setup allows you to use one hand to hold the parts and one hand to press the handle down.

This really allows you to put your weight (I have a lot of that) into the operation. Squeezing the two handles is a very akward motion for me.


You are a kind soul but your photos and set screw description will allow me to whip one out on my small mill. You just keep right on building so I don't catch up with you! I am just about ready to mount the wing ribs to the spar.
